Chapter 6 to 8

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Chapter 6

It was the second day since the game launched! Taking advantage of the consecutive days off, I'd been hunting since morning.

Even now, with a jet-black arrow-possessed by Pontaro-nocked to my bow, I was preparing to shoot the silver wolf about fifty meters away from me! Pontaro would take care of the aim, so all I had to do was to pull the string as hard as I could!

"Go, Pontarooo!"


Pontaro energetically flew towards the wolf. Originally, he was kind of like an irritable juvenile delinquent, but after I disciplined him with my fists, he became a splendid underling. He was now my prided arrow!


Oh, the wolf noticed the incoming Pontaro! It instantly scurried away at a tremendous speed!

But I'm not letting you escape!

"Activate art, 'Speed ​​Burst'!"

At that moment, Pontaro's flight speed doubled!

It was a monster-strengthening-type art that could only be used by Summoners. Pontaro, having received it, instantly shortened the distance between him and the wolf, and pierced himself into its brain!



'Giant Killing' activates! Damage increases!

'Fatal Strike' activates! Damage increases!

Critical hit! Damage increases dramatically from hitting a weak point!

Rare Monster: Silver Wolf is defeated! Yuri and Pontaro have gained experience points!

Yuri's level has risen to 10!

Condition: 'Perform 10 critical hits consecutively or a total of 300 or more critical hits' cleared!

You have acquired the skill 'Heartless Shinigami'!

'Heartless Shinigami': Increases the damage of Critical Hits by 30%.


Ooooooooooooh~, that guy was a rare monster!

Defeating rare monsters yielded tons of exp, and thanks to it, I was able to level up!

I got this skill named 'Heartless Shinigami', too! Thanks a bunch, wolfie~!

According to the baldhead, it seemed that a critical hit had a low probability to occur when you hit a weak point, but having extremely high Luck, it occurred quite frequently for me.

And Pontaro would automatically always aim for the head or heart, the damage he did when he struck-increased with the critical hit and my damage-increasing skill-was high enough to one-hit-kill most monsters! He really was my lucky star!


"Oh, welcome back, Pontaro! That was a great shot!"

Patting Pontaro who'd come back seeming almost like saying "It ain't a big deal, Aneki!", I allocated all the stat points I got from leveling up to Luck!

As a result, my Status became like this.


Name: Yuri

Level: 10

Job: Summoner

Weapon: Bow


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