Chapter 21 to Chapter 23

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Chapter 21

"Alright, we're gonna get your race evolution stuff done today, Pontaro!"


Fourth day since the game launched. I was in a private room in Francoise's shop, fiddling with the menu screen.

By the way, I was wearing my Beginner One-Piece Dress. The gothic idol dress (?) I'd got from Francoise had practically turned into rags because of the heat rays from the Gigantic Dragon Plant. Francoise was in the middle of repairing it at the moment.

...When I'd told her how I'd soloed a boss who was 10 levels higher than me, and how the dress's durability had gotten in the red just a day after I'd got it from her, Francoise's eyes had instantly turned dull like those of a dead person. I'd hoped I'd misheard when she went on to mutter: "W-why did you challenge such an opponent... and won, too... that's too weird... please stop playing like a psycho...!" I mean, I was a perfectly sensible person.

"Oh, found it. I think I just have to touch this button; there." I touched the button that said 'Evolution' on Pontaro's status screen. Then another screen popped up.


・Evolving Pontaro (Living Weapon). Please select an evolution path:

1. 'Living Dead'

A skeleton clad in a dark aura. Formerly a Living Weapon, but gained a physical body due to its desire to become a living.

Although it has lost its weapon-possessing ability, its attack power is higher than common zombies.

Its HP regeneration rate is high, making it difficult to kill.

2. Shadow Weapon

A soul with a more powerful dark aura. Formerly a Living Weapon, but gained a form that is closer to the Shinigami due to its desire to bring death to its enemies.

It has acquired the ability to temporarily create clones with low stats while retaining its weapon-possessing ability.

Its HP depends on the possessed weapon's Durability and will die when the weapon is broken.


I see, I see, so I had to choose between these two choices.

But I didn't think there was any need to deliberate over it. Sure, Living Dead's description said it had high attack power and regenerative power, but the trade-off was that Pontaro would be losing his weapon-possessing ability. HP wouldn't be a concern when Pontaro was already possessing the infinite Durability 'Beginner Arrow', to begin with, while my damage-increasing skills got his attack power covered. The best choice was pretty obvious here.

"Just to make sure, Pontaro, which one would you like to evolve into?"


Without hesitation, Pontaro touched 'Shadow Weapon' with the tip of his arrowhead.

Then, his body shone brightly, but the light subsided right after, revealing an arrow with burning-like jet-black light, making it look ominous and deadly.

"Good, good, I knew you'd choose that, Pontaro! If you're born as a soul, then you've gotta aim to become a Shinigami! If you're a man, you've gotta stick to one path!"

"Kisha~! Kishasha~!" Pontaro Double Twin MK II (I changed his name to commemorate his evolution, nice naming sense me) cried as though to say, "Heh, that's obvious, Aneki! I ain't gonna become a zombie this late game. Since that day when you beat me, I've decided that I'll aim for the top as your weapon! Please use this new me as you see fit!" What a cute underling.

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