Chapter 60 to Chapter 62

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Chapter 60

One day to go until the start of the Guild War. I was in front of the training ground in the 'Beginning Town'.

I had been here several times as it was a convenient place where you could fight in the city. I made my way into the coliseum-shaped building as I cracked my neck.

"Ah~, yesterday was super rough... working on more than 100 weapons sure was difficult..."

Applying the 'Great Explosion' effect had been more painstaking than I had expected.

I'd missed the timing and failed quite a few times and I'd gradually lost my concentration as time passed, which was only natural.

If I was being honest, a day still wasn't enough to recover from my mental exhaustion, but... the fruits of my labor made me smile. "100 explosive weapons, ready to use. With this, I'll be able to go on a rampage at tomorrow's event."

By the way, working on the weapons had increased my level-a pleasant surprise. It seemed that the higher the quality of the weapons or materials you worked on, the more experience points you could acquire.

I got 130 swords and spears on me, but 30 of them were explosive-free.

I left them alone on purpose.

"In case of emergency, I've got to have weapons that can be used at close distance, after all. Explosive weapons are strong, but I may get caught up in the explosion."

They should be enough to deal with most mobs, but I still gotta have some countermeasures against guys like the baldhead and Zansword, who were very strong in close combat.

It would be nice if I could take them down before they could reach me with carpet bombing, but knowing them, something like that wouldn't be enough to stop them.

Well, if I was really backed into a corner, I might also blow myself away betting on 'Tenacity', but I'd save that as a last resort.

Anyway, today I was going to train in melee combat.

How would I fare in close combat without using explosive weapons? I would like to find that out.


"-Oh, we've got a lot of people here! Thanks for coming, guys!"

When I entered the circular colosseum, hundreds of players cheered "Whoaaaa" at me.

They were all dressed in plain gear, but it seemed they were full of energy.

Yeah, this time I had reserved the place to host a small event.

Its name was "Beginners only! Let's fight against Hero Yuri!".

The rules were simple, they hit me once, they won, I hit them 10 times, they lost. By the way, I wouldn't be using a weapon or the 'Arms Barrier' skill. I held this with the intention of testing how far I could go with bare hands only, after all.

Ah, of course, the one who managed to hit me would be generously rewarded with a prize of 10 million gold~!

"Ooooooohhhhhhh, it's Yuri-san! The Demon King herself in the flesh! I started playing this game after watching the battle royale PV! You have my respect, Great Demon King!"

"You've finally arrived, Demon King! Today, I'll vanquish you!"

"Great Demon Kiiiing! If I win, please make me one of your Four Heavenly Kings!"

The newbies energetically raised their voices. It was good that they seemed to be having fun and all but was it just me, or did no one call me 'Hero'? Grrr...!

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