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Chapter 27

[Bulletin Board 7, Last Boss-Certified Yuri-kun!]

[The Battle Royale] General Chat Thread 279 [Has Finally Started!]

1. A Passing Adventurer

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107. A Passing Adventurer

The battle event finally started~! I'm watching it from the square!

Who do you guys bet will be the last man standing?

108. A Passing Adventurer


Either Zansword or Yario, I guess~. They're steady and strong.

Crutteruo may have a chance, too. Yes, they only say "On, on" all the time and has a screw loose, but their strength has been well-known since the beta.

109. A Passing Adventurer


Yeah~, they're the favorites. I mean, with how many people are out for Yuri's life, I doubt she will have it easy.

While it may seem difficult to identify Yuri because the game allows players to have the same username, and usernames aren't displayed above the avatars' heads, unlike in other games, in the first place, there's a skill called 'Identify Name' that can let you see the target's username and a skill called 'Discern Power' that can let you see the target's level. There's a player with both of those skills among the guys aiming for her, and apparently, they're planning to gang up on all high-level players named Yuri he finds.

By the way, there are about 30 people on this, according to my friend.

130. A Passing Adventurer


Hmm, isn't that kind of unfair?

That said, there aren't any rules against players cooperating with one another, though.

151. A Passing Adventurer


I don't know if she follows the message board or not, but I'm sure Yuri knows that she's been attracting quite a lot of attention, both in good and bad ways, with how she's been clearing one dungeon after another.

I'm guessing that she will be keeping a low profile during the event.

173. A Passing Adventurer


Well, as they say, safety first. Recovery items are limited, and there are 30,000 enemies, if she rampages right from the start, she won't be able to live for long.

Now, back to watch the event... wait, huh?

Hey, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey, the Gigantic Dragon Plant appeared at the center of the square?!

What's this, event gimmick?! They never mentioned such a thing, though?!

Ah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?! Killing lasers burned everybody to nothingness?!?!?!

179. A Passing Adventurer

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody died?! Everybody is deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad?!

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