Chapter 111 to Chapter 113

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Chapter 111

"Here I come, Yuri-chan! 'Thunder Enchant: Suicide Bolt'!"

Clad in thunderbolts, Merlin charged toward me.

Maybe because of the enchantment spell? His speed was off the charts even though he was holding a greatsword-!

"Then, have a taste of my homing arrows! Go, Pontaro Squad!"


Pulling out my bow, I fired several arrows at once!

They were arrows possessed by my familiars, Shadow Weapons. Combined with the effect of the accuracy-boosting skill 'Magic Bullet Shooter', the group of living arrows flew toward Merlin.

Now, what're you gonna do, Merlin? They pack quite a punch, y'know? They've got stacks of damage-increasing skills on them.

"Oh, how naïve, Yuri-chan! Activate weapon skill, Seal: 'Flying'!"


Merlin swung his greatsword as he screamed. The moment Pontaro and the gang made contact with the blade, they got sent flying helplessly.

There was no resistance whatsoever. It was as if they had suddenly lost their kinetic energy...!

"You shouted Seal: 'Flying' earlier... don't tell me, that's the cause?!"

"100 points to Yuri-chan! You see, my beloved sword 'Clarent' can seal the specified skill for a brief moment upon contact! And!"

He swung his greatsword behind him. As a result, Urutaro, who was about to pounce on him, was sliced!

The wound wasn't deep enough to split him in two, but Urutaro suddenly froze-

"Thanks to the enchantment spell, it can also paralyze...! Now, be a good boy and stay here, okay, Urutaro-chan?"

"Grrr, awooooooo...!"

Urutaro collapsed to the ground, convulsing all the while. His frustrated cry echoed between the cave and the new area.

"I see... if I take so much as a single attack from that sword, my 'Tenacity' skill will be sealed and that will be the end of me. And even if I use my familiars as meat shields, you can simply paralyze them."

"A good strategy, wouldn't you say? Incidentally, unlike Korin-chan's 'Futsunomitama', 'Clarent' also has a high attack power, so you'd best be careful♡."

Haha, well I'd be damned.

But while he made it sound like a superior version of 'Futsunomitama', that was a bit of a stretch, in reality.

Because Korin's spirit blade sealed three skills upon hit. Further, to compensate for its almost zero attack power, the seal lasted for 3 minutes.

With his 'Clarent', on the other hand, he had to shout out the name of the skill to seal, so he had to know what skills the opponent had.

Pontaro and the gang, who had been sent flying away, flew back to me while crying [Kishasha~!]. The sealing time really was only a brief moment.

"It's useless if you have no information on your opponent... talk about a perfect weapon for an informant. You weren't lying about that bit, huh?"

"Yes. I love gathering rumors and solving riddles. The only lie I told you was my name. 'Pinko' is cute for an alias, don't you agree♡?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I think you should polish your naming sense!"

I took out two swords and slashed at him!

"Wha?!" Merlin was taken by surprise by my action as he blocked my swords. No wonder. After all, I still dared to approach and attack him despite his long explanation about the danger of his beloved sword.

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