Chapter 144 to Chapter 146

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Chapter 144

"If you want to have Yuri-kun, you must defeat me first!"


After then, things became rough.

Pendragon who suddenly appeared had no intention of stopping the fight between Zansword and the baldhead.

Instead, she wanted to join in, "How could you guys leave me out of a fight for Yuri-kun?!"

And so, the three of them clashed in the middle of the city, and...

"-Huh, didn't expect I'd be arrested by the police NPCs," remarked Pendragon coolly.

"You seriously think you'd get away scot-free fighting in the middle of the city?" I retorted in amazement.

We were currently in an outdoor café in Helheim. Pendragon and I were sitting across each other, whereas Zansword and the baldhead were standing behind me, glaring at her.

"Hehehe, I'd expect no less from the two top dogs supporting Yuri-kun. The fighting spirit in your eyes is quite something... You are also worthy enough to become my prey."

"Stop pretending to be cool, would you? You and these two got released immediately only because I used my power as the lord of Helheim."


No, don't "Fuh," me, you dummy. You lost all your cool charm the moment you showed up out of nowhere only to get arrested a moment later, okay?

After taking a sip of cold water, I asked Pendragon a serious question.

"So, what brings you here? This is the base of the Demon King's side."

Yeah, and she was the leader of the Goddess' side, our enemy. She got guts to come here all by herself.

The players on the Demon King's side didn't have a very good opinion of her and in fact, many cast a hostile glare at her as they passed by.

However, she seemed completely unruffled. She just casually sipped her milk tea, ignoring all the stares.

"I mean, what's wrong with it? This is a game world. Regardless of your position, you are free to go wherever you want as players."


That was a good point. I couldn't argue with it. But I felt like it'd be better for everyone if someone put some restriction on her, she was just too free-spirited.

"Well, as for my reason for coming here... I'm here to meet you, Yuri-kun. I'd like to have a proper talk with you before our fight to the death." Pendragon's golden eyes flickered. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked my cheek.

-Zansword behind me became excited and cried "Muh?!" for some reason, which earned him a jab from the baldhead.

"A proper talk, huh..."

"That's right. I told you when we first met, didn't I? I love people who work hard."

With her hand caressing my cheek, she continued.

"I find people who make efforts wonderful. I couldn't help but support people who struggle to break through their limits, no matter in what field. And-I couldn't stop myself from challenging them...!"

At that moment, the air around Pendragon changed.

The touch of her hand on my cheek felt like the lick of a dragon's tongue.

"...Is that your fetish? Talk about weird."

"Yeah. It may be because I'm a genius. Whenever I find someone who seems to be able to beat me, I'd challenge them to an all-out match in the field they are specialized in... Because of that, I've crushed countless people."

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