Chapter 9 to chapter 11

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Chapter 9

'Underground Tomb of the Shinigami'. According to the strategy guide site, it was an underground dungeon located at a corner of Beginning Grassland, and the level of monsters that spawned in it was considerably higher than the ones on the grassland.

I went in it to defeat Living Weapons, but I was met with two big problems.


"Uwaa?! Zombies are springing up from beneath the ground?! Come back, Pontaro!"

I hurriedly called back Pontaro whom I'd shot at a distant enemy!

In this underground dungeon, undead monsters launched surprise attacks from beneath the ground, so I might get attacked while Pontaro was away! Since Pontaro was my only attack means, I had a hard time dealing with them!

And to make it worse,

"Gugaaaaaaaa! Dieeeeeeeeeeeeee!"



'Guts' activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!


If I took so much as a scratch from the zombies, my HP would instantly drop from max to 1!

If I didn't have 'Guts', I would have died with one hit! I hurriedly made some distance and shot Pontaro straight into the head of the zombie who had almost got me!

"Gugi?! Gug...!"

"Wait, it's still alive...?!"

...I'd put all my stat points into Luck, but that didn't mean my attacks would always trigger critical hits nor would they always activate my damage-increasing skills.

And when my rotten luck reared its ugly head, neither of them activated. Pontaro's Strength was added to the attack power of the arrow he possessed, yes, but it was not strong enough to take down higher-level monsters without the effect of my skills. In the first place, my own attack power was abysmal, after all.

That was to say, my overall stats were too low! I was still able to make do at Beginning Grassland, but here the difficulty level of playing with pure Luck build rose exponentially!




Uwa, the zombies had gathered?!

"Shit, let's go, Pontaro! We're getting out of here!"

Having judged that I would die at the rate things were going, I hurriedly ran to the exit!

...Just for a reminder, I was also sorely lacking in Agility. Even though I was just being pursued by zombies-which should be the slowest monsters in this dungeon-I almost, I mean almostfailed to make it out alive.


"Haa~~~~~~, that was hell...!"

I sat down near the entrance of the underground tomb and heaved out a deep sigh.

On the vast grassland, I could easily shoot down one monster after another from a distance, but the underground tomb had narrow passages, and zombies would dig out from beneath the ground to launch surprise attacks; it made me constantly at risk of getting surrounded. And when that happened, I had to quickly end my Luck-based-one-hit-kill farming session.

"...In the end, I couldn't find even one Living Weapon, and I only got to hunt several zombies. But well, thanks to that, I was able to level up twice..."

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