Chapter 123 to Chapter 125

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Chapter 123



Atlach-Nacha was being lynched by a hundred monsters.

Blood spurted out from its entire body as it writhed madly, its long eight legs spasming.

But I wasn't done yet. Mercy wasn't in my dictionary!

"Come forth, Chuntaro."


As I was falling following the massive spider, I summoned my 'Vanishing Firebird' and landed on it.

I then pulled out a bow and arrow. I also summoned seven weapons hovering around me with the 'Arms Barrier' skill.

Okay, everything was ready. The moment my monsters from 'Destructive Frenzied Summon' got unsummoned and the massive spider breathed a sigh of relief at finally being free...

"Watch me, Master Tengu! This is my new special move based on your technique! Tenma School's secret technique 'Raging Dragon Shot' 8x!!!!"


I let loose the arrow and seven weapons. As they flew, they were encased in immense magical power, turning into eight demonic dragons that dug into 'Atlach-Nacha'-!

Their destructive power was guaranteed. Each had the power to blow everything away from its path, and there were eight of them.

The dragons produced whirlwinds that kept on burrowing into the colossal spider's body like drills, and it screamed loudly unable to endure the pain-!

"Time to finish this. Let's go, Maa-kun. Activate monster skill, 'Flickering'!"


I had Maa-kun use his acceleration ability and jumped off the Firebird!

"Activate Special Action Art, 'Emergency Fall'!"

I loudly activated an art and made myself fall faster!

This was one of the Special Action Arts without offensive power. Its effect was simply to increase your falling speed. It was originally meant to allow you to get down to the ground quickly from the air where you couldn't move.

-But it was a different story if the enemy was below you! Potential energy applied in BSO. Use it, and you'd be able to deal damage even if your Strength was 0.

In short...

"Using this art from heights would make it deadly! Eat this, Justice Kick, oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"


My kick explosively struck the dying Atlach-Nacha!

My boot possessed by Maa-kun pierced into the head of the massive spider, and...


・World News!

The hidden boss 'Atlach-Nacha' has been defeated for the first time by the party of Yuri and Korin!

Yuri has acquired the special evolution item for the undead: Shinigami Soul Core! Korin has-


"Heeell yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I finally got iiiittt!"

I pumped my fist in front of the disappearing colossal spider...!

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