Chapter 108 to Chapter 110

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Chapter 108

"-Run, run, Urutaro!"

"Eeek, aren't we going a bit too fast?!"

It was a while after I'd met Pinko, the guild master of 'Serpent of Wisdom', an informant guild.

We were cutting through the black forest on Urutaro.

Why, you asked? Well, because I'd made a small deal with the good-looking pink dude.

"Alright, Pinko. I'll escort you during your investigation, so you'd better hold your end of the deal and tell me some useful hidden info!"

"Got it! Then, would you be a dear and shoot some arrows behind the surrounding trees for me?"


A weird request, nevertheless I complied and shot several arrows while still on Urutaro.

Then, several black canines leaped out from behind the trees with "Gyaun?!" in a startled manner.

"Wait, have they been following us...?!"

"Yeah. They're Black Hounds, monsters unique to this forest. They tend to sneak attack players venturing here by blending into the black trees.

"-Why haven't they attacked us? You may be wondering. Well, we have our lovely Urutaro-chan to thank for that♡." Pinko reached out to stroke Urutaro's head.

...The moment his hand touched him, Urutaro cried "Gyauuu~...!" I got a feeling that meant he hated it.

"When you're accompanied by a boss monster, you'll be less likely to get attacked by lower-level monsters of the same type.

"This can come real handy when you want to keep away low-level monsters, which don't give you exps, and when you want to hunt a dungeon boss only."

"I see~, that's certainly hidden info worth knowing! You got more?"

"Well, let's see. Monsters generally can only evolve once, but there are rumors that some can evolve twice by using special items...!"

"You've gotta be kidding?!"

――And so, Pinko told me various info while I escorted him to his destination.


"-We've finally made it!"


Pinko and I were now in a limestone cave with ominous purple crystals growing all over it.

I was surprised, to say the least. Pinko had led me by hand into the hollow of a large decaying tree and the next thing I knew, I found myself here.

"This is a hidden dungeon. As I said previously, there are countless dungeons-monster-producing furnaces-scattered around this world. But there seemed to be none in 'Murk Forest', and that made me suspicious."

"Oh, I see. The forest is home to various monsters like Black Hounds. If that's any indication, there's gotta be a dungeon here. That train of thought led you to investigate the forest, right?"

"100 points for Yuri-chan! After several days of exploration, I happened upon the hollowed tree we came in from, monsters coming out of it."

Wow~. Just knowing that 'dungeons were furnaces that produced monsters' could help you find hidden dungeons like this.

Untouched hunting grounds were very useful for grinding exps and rare items. The power of information sure was amazing.

"Oh, you can also watch how monsters are born here. Look over there."

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