Chapter 30 to Chapter 32

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Chapter 30

Oh yeah, this was time first time dying in this game.

After being revived in a place called the 'Temple of Resurrection', I returned to the square where the spectators had gathered (by the way, the bow I had thrown away back in the special field for the battle royale had returned to me by breaking through the dimensional wall. The sight of it desperately spinning as it broke its way through the dimensional was spectacular, to say the least).

The moment they spotted me, tens of thousands of players broke into cheers "Kyaaaaa! It's the Demon King!!!" and screams "Gyaaaaaaa?! It's the Demon King?!?!?!" making the square boisterous all of a sudden.

"Wow, up close she's really-no, too beautiful?! W-will she let me take a screenshot of her...?!"

"I suggest you drop the idea, dude. While she may look beautiful on the outside, she's a devil on the inside! I participated in the first round, and believe me, I know it!"

"She was really amazing... I thought the bow was trash that would only get in the way if the opponent got close, but this is the first time I've seen someone who didn't hesitate even for a second to throw her bow away like some trash and settle things with her fists...! Although she used a long-distance weapon, her decision to move to a melee battle was too quick...!"

"Didn't she seem more accustomed to fist-fighting than shooting the bow...? C-could she actually be a girl gang leader or something...?! When she's so beautiful...?!"

The players were noisily talking about me, surrounding me from a distance. Fufufu, it felt so good to be famous.

Okay, it was only right for me to give them some fanservice!

"Thanks for all the attention, guys~! For your sake, I'll be participating in the second round after all!"

"""Have mercy Demon King, please don't!"""

They stopped me again?! How incomprehensible! To hell with you bastards, I'm gonna participate anyway!

And so, time passed noisily as I received terrified looks from the players I had defeated earlier and thanks from Summoners and bow users: "We will try our best too!". All of a sudden, it was shining behind me-turned out the old man Odin had teleported over!

The sudden turn of events shocked the surrounding players.

"What, you gonna attack me?! You wanna fight?! Fine, come, I'll take you on!"

"Hell no?! I'll never fight you!"

"That so? But I just woke up to the joy of killing humans."

"Eek, we ended up opening the eyes of a dangerous guy to a dangerous world...?!"

After flinching back in fear for a moment, the old man cleared his throat and straightened his expression.

"Ahem! I have come here for none other than to congratulate you, Yuri-dono, for winning the first round of the battle royale! Ladies and gentlemen, let us give Yuri-dono a big round of applause!"

At that moment, the square was once again filled with applause and cheers. Well, some of the players who lost to me (such as Korin) stayed silent, their faces pale. But when I invited them "Let's join forces if we meet on the field, 'kay~?" they, for some reason, jumped and started clapping like broken toys with teary eyes. What a strange bunch.

When the applause subsided to some degree, the old man continued, "Now, allow me to give some explanation. This not only concerns Yuri-dono, but also other players.

"The event points you have obtained can be exchanged for limited items, limited skills, et cetera! In addition, the event points can be carried over to future events, so it is a good idea to save them. After all, we plan to increase the number of prizes that can be exchanged in each new event."

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