Chapter 75 to Chapter 77

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Chapter 75

-While the baldhead died nobly in the extremely fierce battle and Crutteruo fell for the clever trap, the battle of the self-proclaimed hero Yario continued.

He was facing off against the ex-PK girl Seele.

According to the intel he had received from his commander Zansword, the level and abilities of this Seele girl were one step below the top players', mainly because her playstyle was ganging up on weaklings.

She was not weak, per se, but she was not exceptionally strong, either. Yario believed that he would never lose to such an opponent.

He was someone who could always pick the best move to win.

If his enemy was not good at close combat, he stabbed them with his spear, and if they were weak at long-range combat, he would throw at them his spear. When he found himself at a disadvantage, he ran away at full speed then waited for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack and won in the end... he was a player who could follow the playbook to a T.

He was completely different from the stupid silver-haired, huge-breasted girl who liked to fight with her fists even though her weapon was the bow and who poked holes in the system when cornered.

Indeed-because of his stable playstyle, he had no weak points.

There was no chance Yario would lose to Seele, who was inferior to him in overall combat power. She might lead an army of NPCs-who, for some reason, wore their hair in mohawk-but he got allied players on his side to deal with them.

Well, time to end this. As the NPCs and allied players fought, he faced Seele one-on-one. He calmly read the trajectory of her greatsword as it swung at him, dodged it, and gradually shaved off her HP.

I'm sorry, o maiden who has forsaken good and embraced evil, but I will turn you into a fallen flower that decorates my heroic path!

He didn't have a hobby of beating women, but since she was a follower of the player whom people fearfully referred to as Demon King, then it was a different story. It hyped him up, in fact, since he was roleplaying as a hero.

Just as Yario chuckled inwardly and was about to finish Seele off, however...

"Haa... guess I've got no other choice. I'm sorry, my underlings, but I'm killing you guys."

With that, she stabbed her greatsword into the back of one of the NPCs with a mohawk who was fighting a player-!

"W-what are you doing?!"

Yario was shocked by her sudden action.

Her greatsword also pierced the player fighting NPC, killing him, but why now? Why did she do that in the middle of fighting him?!

He was perplexed, but at any rate, this was his chance, and he wielded his weapon.

She needed to take a few moments to pull back her greatsword and used it as a shield. If he struck with his spear within that period, he'd win!

Considering the speed Seele had been displaying, he was sure that she wouldn't be able to defend herself in time. He was going to finish her for real this time. Yario grinned.


"Whoa, that was close."


Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, a high-pitched metallic sound rang. To Yario's shock, Seele somehow managed to pull back her greatsword and guard in time.


"You're pretty strong for a guy with such a plain face, I'll give you that. So, I'll quit fighting fair and square."

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