traces (tbhk x reader)

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yeah because i couldn't think of anything so i made just some tiny paragraphs with combos of y/n and a character.

song recommendation: DALLA DALLA by itzy

hanako x reader

"hey, hanako-kun, what starts with 'f' and ends with 'uck'?"

"can we fuck-"

"i should've expected that."


natsuhiko x  male reader

(your just playing a random online game and natsu the online dater comes up to you)

"hey wassup bby grill you be looking fine, BARK BA-"

"i have a dick."

"op, anyways so-

hey sakura bby grill mommy let's get married-"


kou x reader

"kouhai! what's your favorite month?"


"why july kouhai?"

"i didn't lie though!"


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HanaNene +Y/N

"sHe wAs A gIrL wItH rEaLlY fAT aNkLeS..."

"what are you saying y/n-sama..."

"aNd He wAs a BaThrOoM gHoSt wItH noThInG BeTtEr tO dO.."

*opens door loudly*

"hELLo NeNe aNd y/N-sAmA! i hAvE cOmE to BleSS yOu wiTh mY pReSeNcE!"



tsukasa x reader

"y/n? are you bored?~~~~"

"yeah, i guess so."

"then go hit a orphan! what are they gonna do, tell their parents?"

"oh! that was a good one tsukasa-kun! but i've got a better one!"


"no wait, we really shouldn't be making jokes about orphans. their parents might get mad. 

 oh, wait, continue..."


nene x reader

"daikon-chan! hi!"

"y/n i told you to not call me that!"

"sorry daikon- i mean, ne-, yeah i don't think i can do that daikon-chan."

"here, let me help you." she sighed.


"ne." you repeated.

"ne-chan. nene-chan."


"this is never going to work."

"but you and me will!" you pecked her cheek and then quickly ran out the room, red-faced.


yeah that's it y'all at least i updated this week.

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