Back as it should be

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(Hiiii🥺💗 here another chapter, I hope that you are feeling good, love you💗)

The carriage was driving them out of the city, out of who was behind them, rolling far away to wish to escape from their hands. They saw roads, a lot of roads, forests, and in the middle of one, stood strongly a huge house. A gorgeous old house, the one making the walkers dream about some royal or important families living in it. The man leading them outside of their sight was silent. Kinn was silent, thinking hard, frowning his eyebrows, it was seen that the boy had a lot of questions for Kim. Kim who was silent too, still in a defensive attitude. His mouth was closed, his lips mostly glued together in a thin and menacing line. His eyes weren't moving but his pupils were wandering around, keeping an eye on everything he could. He looked like being in the middle of a hunt. He didn't say anything since Kinn told them to go inside, since he explained that they would meet another unknown person. It was bringing anxiety to Kim. Another human situation he didn't like. He trusted Yok easily or even Clea, they were adults but Porchay put his faith in them, and Kim followed his emotions. He thought that if the boy could believe in them, he wouldn't be this worried. But here, Porchay didn't know more than himself and it was messing with his brain.

Porchay was observing them, them in their thoughts, them thinking or just looking around and he found that familiarity of prudence in their body language. He had an intriguing impression, seeing them sit close to each other, but he couldn't put words on this, nothing could make any sense. And Star sleeping on his laps was a distraction he liked to focus on. He was often caressing the tiny cat who could stretch suddenly under this touch and it was amusing Porchay. He was staying in that cute space of this carriage, too tired to even think about the rest.

"Ken, you can stay here and take one of the free domestic rooms. Thank you for your work." Kinn said towards him who nodded in respect.

"Who told you that you could give away my place like this?" A voice made their head turn towards the entry, after some pretty white stairs. The man was leaning against his door, in a feeling superior position which didn't last long.

"Follow me." Kinn said to Kim and Porchay, before adding. "You would have told him the same. I am saving you time."

"You clever clown." Tankhun said, welcoming Kinn with a long hug. "What do we have here? You don't tell me that you come and you even have people with you?" He furrowed an eyebrow.

"Phi, this is Kim and Porchay. They are under my protection now, not our father's, and I think that this story might interest you."


However, Tankhun was more interesting about Star than about their story. He was playing with him on the big sofa when Kinn sighed enough for him to listen. "Okay, okay, tell me." He said, turning towards them, sat on the other side. He felt that he wanted to run away. In the end, something was off, something was messing with his emotions and the aggressive energy from Kim was a huge explanation.


"So, you're telling me that Dad locked up someone in a house we didn't even know we had, for what? We don't even know why, right?" He asked, a little perplexed about what he heard.

"From- from what I know..." Porchay quietly said, not sure that he could talk but Tankhun's attention gave him confidence. "P'Kim was learning how to kill and how to, how to..."

"Be a perfect weapon! That sounds like him now..." Tankhun completed the sentence. "It doesn't explain why we are here?"

"Dad knows that Kim escaped. I still don't know what he wants from them, I also...also beginning what you always asked him to do..."

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