9: A Diffrent Kind Of Game

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"We're going to see 'Topgun Maverick'?! How did you know that's my favorite movie?"

Louis locked the car and reached for Harry's hand again. "Zayn told me, had asked him once when I had class from him." Harry nodded in understanding and they walked to the main desk.

"Two tickets for Topgun Maverick, name's Tomlinson." The lady wished them a great evening and they went over to the little corner with snacks.

"Let me pay for the snacks please, you also already payed for the tickets." Harry pouted and Louis thought it was such a adorable sight.

He wasn't able to resist him in the future for sure, but with things like these he wasn't up for discussion or disagreement, that's just how he was but he later would find out Harry was just the same, that only would probably lead into having playful, sweet arguments because both were just so stubborn.

"No you're not, I'm taking you out so let me pay. Let me do this, please." Louis ordered a large bucket of popcorn which he and Harry could share and made a mental note that Harry chose some gummy bears.

They both got a coke and Harry was still pouting but when Louis booped his nose it all seemed to be forgotten, for now at least.

They took their seats and, a love seat without a arm rest in the middle and the trailer soon started.

Louis didn't really look at the movie once it started playing, his eyes were focussed on Harry mainly.

He liked the way his eyes were shining bright even though the room was dark except from the dim light of the screen.

He liked the way his dimples showed when he was smiling and how deep his laugh was when one of the characters told a joke.

He also liked the way Harry would occasionally run a hand through his curls that were falling in front of his face even though he was having the bandana in his hair. It suited him, Louis hadn't seem him with his hair like that before but it was really nice.

Harry had noticed the older lad staring at him like he was some sort of goddess, but well he couldn't deny Louis looked like one in his opinion.

He scooted closer to the boy and looked him straight in his ocean blue eyes as he wrapped a arm around his shoulders, gently squeezing his shoulder.

He felt Louis get comfortable in his embrace, his touch making his head spin from just the light feeling of his body against his.

Louis had his eyes on the movie but Harry noticed the smile creeping up his lips.

They watched the rest of the movie and when it was done Louis led Harry down the street, going towards the arcade some doors further.

"We're going to play games as well?" Louis had his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I mean why not, the night is still young and for sure not over yet."

Harry was happy hearing that, wanting to see and hear more of Louis and his funny jokes, sass but a glimpse of sweetness as well.

"I'm so going to beat your ass in air hockey!" Louis gasped. "No way! I was a pro in highschool, ask Niall!"

Harry ran into the building, looking over his shoulder as Louis ran behind him. "Gotta see it to believe it!"

They played so many rounds of iced hockey Louis couldn't see the machine nor hear the sound again or his ears would bleed.

Louis had beat him though and even did a happy dance when he did so.

Harry had just stood there, admiring the older lad as he cheered and let everyone who wanted to hear know that he had won the game.

"Congrats love, you're squaling like a toddler." Louis abruptly stopped in his tracks. "You're just jealous, shall we try one of those machines where you can get a teddy bear?"

Harry nodded and put in some coins before moving the handle. After a while and much groaning coming from the truth Louis was done with it. "Here, let me try." He tried as well but didn't succeed either.

He was about to give up, but Harry was determined. He sighed and exhaled deeply as he again threw in some coins, around this time probably spend more than a stuffie in the machine was worth but he wanted to get Louis something, he just had to because it would just hold so much meaning.

They watched in silence, both not daring to speak as Harry had the claw tightly wrapped around a sloth.

Sweat was dripping down his forehead and Louis wiped it away, using his sleeves. Harry thanked him and gulped, both cheering when the stuffie fell into the big hole and the 'you finally won' music started playing.

"YES!" Louis yelled out, jumping into Harry's arms. The boy catched him, stumbling a bit but happily wrapped his arms around the lad.

"We did it!" Harry jumped up and down, Louis still in his arms. To others it must have been such a weird sight, two grown man with tired expressions on their faces but finally managing to win a sloth stuffie and cheering very loudly.

He got the stuffie from the side of the machine and handed it to Louis, who looked at him confused.

"Here, love. I'm sure you will take good care of him," he winked and Louis grinned, a loving look in his face.

"Thank you," he whispered, suddenly feeling real close to Harry again.

They stared at each other for a while until Harry put the boy down again, Louis's shoulders slumping as he did so, immediately missing Harry's warmth and arms around him.

It was silent for a while, no words needed as their eyes and thoughts told stories and spoke up like words never could express feelings and emotions.


I had my first day at school yesterday after two days of training, we went lasergaming with the class around the hallways of the school, it was so fun but we looked so silly and weird! Love it haha, could pull that fit and helmet of for real whahaha ;)

Everyone doing alright? Starting school as well?

Song of the day: Limo from two feet

(A random new thing I start from now on, music is my life and yeah could do a 1D and solo one as well, oeh giving myself ideas, really thinking of new stuff as I write it down haha xd


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