22: Hope And Hopeless

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Trigger warning, mention of injuries and hospitalization!


It was a massive blur after that. Liam, Niall and Zayn had seen the car crash and immediately called the paramedics, who arrived soon after.

Liam and Niall cried, Liam hugging Zayn from the side as the raven haired lad rubbed his back.

Brooke had passed away on the scene, apparently hitting her head on the seat in front of her.

Louis and Harry were rushed to the hospital, the other three boys following the ambulance.

Once there they had to sit in the waiting room while their friends were being checked over to see how bad the injuries were.

They all were just in shock, even more after learning Brooke had pulled the trigger to cause this. They thought she was their friend, not just a member of the dance group but someone they could trust.

They sometimes shared some thoughts to each other, barely coming out as whispers, as if there would be more damage if they didn't.

Police showed up soon after and Zayn had told them some things about the incidents with Ashton, not knowing if that had to do anything with this. They wanted to talk to Niall and Liam as well but Zayn didn't agree, the state of the two being too emotional and in pure shock, not in a state to talk to police officers.

The two men understood and told them they would be back later.

Zayn wrapped an arm around Niall and Liam's shoulders while they waited. It seemed like hours, like time was standing still while others moved around the hospital.

"Zee? What if they won't wake up?" Liam asked, his eyes red and watery as he looked at Zayn with hope in his eyes, just a glint.

Zayn swallowed hard, sighing. "I don't know, love but what I do know is that they are both strong, we gotta keep our heads up, for them." A tear slipped down his cheek and Liam reached for it, wiping it away with his thumb.

Zayn had took a liking to Liam a long time ago. He liked Niall as well, but as a friend, something he felt for Liam as well, but more.

Liam was just so soft, so sweet. He could try to come across as intimidating, but in reality Zayn adores that and just wanted to cuddle and hold him those moments.

He turned his head as Liam wiped away his tears, some of his own rolling down his cheek as well. Zayn came closer and kissed one of the tears on his cheek away, smiling gently at him.

Liam returned the smile and leaned his head on Zayn's shoulder again, feeling a bit more relaxed but also confused, pushing those feelings aside.

Niall got them all some water and they tried to get comfortable in those hard hospital seats which weren't made for sitting on them for that long.

After a while a doctor appeared. "Friends of Mr. Tomlinson and Styles?" The three of them jumped out of their seats, ignoring the pain in their backs.

"Yes?! How are they doing?" Niall asked, praying they made it.

The men waved them over and the rest followed him. "They are alive but Mr. Tomlinson is in critical condition. They will both make it, let's talk in a room about their conditions."

The boys nodded and sat down in what seemed to be the doctor his own kind of 'office'.

The room was almost empty, just a desk, two chairs and one painting on the white walls.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm doctor Andy Marshall, I will be checking up on Mr. Tomlinson and Styles the upcoming days." The boys shook his hand before continuing.

"Mr. Styles has two broken ribs because of the steering wheel that bumped into his chest. He has a mild concussion as well as a large cut on his arm from the shattered glass, we placed some stitches there and he should wake up soon, he was lucky these are his only injuries, it could have become fatal." The boys nodded, Zayn reaching for Liam's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as none of them said anything, lost for words.

"Mr Tomlinson is a dancer I believe?" Niall nodded at that. "His leg is crushed, his knee was shattered and he's in surgery for that at this moment, he had a concussion as well and a cut on his face along with a broken collarbone."

The men gave them a small, sympathetic smile as he explained that the boy would probably never be able to dance again.

Niall, Liam and Zayn broke down into tears, knowing this would be devastating to Louis as well as to Harry.

"We don't know when he's going to wake up, his condition is very critical because there are bruises everywhere and we don't know yet if these are his only injuries, we will have to wait."

Zayn sighed as tears welled up in his eyes once again. "Can we see Harry?"

Andy nodded and he led them to the room Harry would be in. "I'm sorry, boys," he told them before leaving them alone, telling them he would be back soon to check on Harry and see if there would be any news on Louis' condition.

They walked into the room, trying not to gasp when they saw Harry, tucked into the what seemed to be large bed compared to him.

He was awake and crying. "L-louis," he stuttered as the boys rushed to his side.

Zayn held his hand and looked him into the eyes. "I know, hazz, I know."

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