24: The Road To Recovery

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Harry and Louis were even closer than they already were after the accident.

It had been two weeks since the accident and today Louis was finally coming home with Harry, where he belongs.

Harry had been released a week after sharing a room with Louis, his injuries healing well.

He still was at the hospital every day though, staying with Louis, supporting him and just talking, crying and laughing together.

Since Brooke had passed away at the scene there wasn't anyone to charge, since Ashton already had been and spending time in jail.

Police were still investigation the situation, but had told the boys everything would be alright and not to worry, they believed there weren't any threats left.

Zayn, Niall and Liam were occasionally visiting as well, helping Harry with everything and making sure all dorms were clean as ever.

There was another thing they had been busy with the last weeks, something that was a surprise to Louis.

Harry had bought a house close to campus and both their families. Louis' mom had been calling everyday after the accident, not being able to visit due to her job and the children she's taking care of, but Louis felt loved knowing his mother was there for him when it was needed.

Anne had helped Harry setting everything up, while the other boys were with Louis, packing up the last things before they could go and leave the hospital.

Louis was happy to leave, but also a bit sad. The nurses had been so sweet, and Dr. Andy had become a good friend of both Harry and Louis, often checking up on both and promising to visit when he got out.

"I think we're almost there sweetie! I think we should move the couch to the other side, though," Anne said, happily moving things from side to side.

Harry groaned, wiping away some sweat that was dripping down his forehead. "That's fine, mum. Do you mind if I take a shower? I feel drenched," he laughed and Anne smiled, walking up to him.

"Go shower, I will finish it, we're almost done anyway." She looked at Harry with a reassuring glance. "He's going to love it, Harry, don't stress it so much."

Harry sighed. "I know, I just feel like it's gonna be hard and I know we'll be alright, but it's scary, you know?"

His mother nodded. "I know but the boys are here for you two, I am here, you got so many people who care and want to help, just go for it and don't look back."

Harry pulled her into a hug and whispered a 'thank you' before taking a quick shower.

He looked around what would be their new home, his mind racing with images of how it was going to be in the future.

The times they would spend talking and just watching tv in bed, eating crisps and chocolate ice cream, looking out the big window to the busy streets at nighttime.

How he was going to cook something delicious and Louis would watch him from one of the chairs, admiring him and laughing as he made stupid dad jokes that no one would ever understand but Louis...

How they maybe would eventually raise kids here, play with them and love them unconditionally.

No one knew if Louis would ever be able to walk again, but they all knew Harry would always be there for him.

He always hesitated if he did enough for his boyfriend, who was so sweet and has a smile that could light up the whole town.

Now he knew, what he did was enough, he tried his best and Louis loved him just as much as he loved him, it would be enough as long as they were together, Louis had once said and Harry realised that was true, they were better together.

Once everything was set up and ready Anne and Harry got into the car, smiling as they drove over to the hospital, ready to bring Louis home...

It would be a long journey, but no one said it would be easy. They had been struggling already, there wasn't a thing they couldn't overcome and face together, their love was enough...



Here I am, once again with a new chappy!

Hope ya'll enjoyed reading, school is hectic as usual and got a exam on Tuesday, so wish me luck fella's!

Will be back soon, probably next weekend, the usual hehe.

Until soon!


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