29: I'll Always Catch You

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Louis felt like he was on cloud nine, he was engaged!

They had gone out to celebrate the engagement and well it had gone a little bit out of hand.

Let's say five friends getting drunk always ends up with trouble...

"I feel like I'm sixteen again! Wobbly on ma feet oi!"

Louis rolled his eyes at Niall. "One, you're nowhere near sixteen, you wish and two, at least you can feel wobbly."

It sounded a bit slurred as he said that but everyone understood and laughed like he had told a very good joke that was just hilarious.

Harry swung his arm around him. "We shouldn't have drank that tequila, it made my head spin."

Louis came close to his ear. "I can make it spin until you see stars."

Zayn, who was tipsy but not too drunk spoke up. "Can you guys even have sex?"

Harry slapped the back of his head, Zayn letting out a 'ouch!'

"Mind your damn business with Liam, he seems thirsty."

"For him or for an actual drink? 'Cause I could use some more shots!" Liam called out and yelled at one of the bartenders that he needed more vodka.

No one really made sense at this point in time and no one really seemed to care either.

"We s-should walk home, m-my cat is waiting for me!"

"Ni, you d-don't even own a cat!"

Niall burst out in tears and at that point Zayn decided it was time to walk home.

Harry clung onto Louis's wheelchair while Zayn supported Liam, while Niall just wobbled around and swung side to side like a toddler that had to learn to walk.

"Look, playground!" Niall called out and before anyone could stop him he walked over to the swing and plopped down onto it, on his stomach.

The others followed and well, it must be quite the sight from another perspective to see Zayn and Liam sit in the sandpit bickering over who could make the best sand cupcake, Niall swinging around on his stomach and Harry and Louis on the slide trying to see if a wheelchair could fit.

How they all got home no one knew but when they all woke up it was hours later, they were at larry's place and everyone certainly felt hungover.

"Oh damn my head hurts."

"Already sick of me oi?" Louis joked, a sharp pain through his head interrupting his laughter.

Harry sloppily kissed his cheek. "Nah, always be there for you, even when you're annoying."

Louis smiled. "Appreciate it."

Zayn entered the livingroom where they had all crashed some hours ago.

"True hero," Liam said as he gladly accepted the painkillers and water bottle Zayn handed him and the rest of the boys.

"It was pretty intense last night, huh?"

Everyone agreed and just sat there in silence, falling asleep here and there until they all slept the hungover away.

By then it was evening again and Zayn dragged Liam outside while Niall followed close behind.

"Thanks lads, congrats again!"

Harry waved from the door. "Can't wait till the wedding!"

They said their goodbyes and Louis and Harry decided to take a shower and order some dinner.

"It was all honestly amazing, even last night and this morning."

"Glad you liked it, had much fun even though I don't remember half the shit that was said at the bar."

Louis giggled. "Me neither, thought I would feel like I had magic and was gonna stand up, that wouldn't be any good."

Harry lazily smiled, feeling tired but happy. "I would catch you anytime, babe."


Don't know how I pulled this hilarious chapter off but I love it haha, SCREAM IF YA WANNA GO FASTA

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