15: Space to enjoy Spring

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"No Niall I don't want you to give me some ducks from Ireland..... yes I've heard they're special.... yes of course I feel honored but I don't want to scare Harry off with twenty ducks scattered all over the place everywhere I look! .... yeah talk to you later.... bye!"

Louis dropped the phone on the bed, looking at Harry who was already watching him, a amused smile on his lips.

"That surely was.. interesting?" The curly haired lad chuckled, Louis rolling his eyes. "He's quite something."

"Louis, Harry dinner is ready!" Gemma's head appeared around the corner, her face covered by her hands.

Harry looked at the sight in confusing. "Why are you covering your face?"

Gemma looked between her index and middle finger, keeping her hand in front of her face. "You guys could be naked and doing god knows what."

The boys laughed. "It would be your fault then, should have knocked," Louis stated, sassy as always.

He already felt comfortable at the Styles residence. Anne and Gemma had welcomed them with open arms and as Harry said, they were just in love with Louis like Harry seemed to be if not more, it was just all warmth and lovingly.

They were staying there for a week already after the two days at his mum's place, he was a bit sad about.

He missed his sisters, mother and little brother already, but promised to visit soon, with Harry of course.

They had been spending time with the girls a lot, taking them and Ernie to the park, a fair and having tea parties at home to also give his mother some moments of rest.

It had been fun, giving him the same feeling like back in the days when he was younger, it was still lovely to be there and always will be.

Within two days they would go back to campus again and start the normal daily routine again. It wouldn't be just relaxing and sleeping in no more, but Harry and Louis enjoyed each others company anyway, whatever they were doing or wherever they were.

Their bond was strong already, even more now that they have seen each other with their families, already imagining themselves being part of it.

Harry was a copy of Gemma, who was sweet and soft, but could be scary at times when she wants something. They went shopping the other day and gosh, Louis felt a bit sorry for one of the cashiers when Gemma was yelling at her to do her job.

Louis didn't even need to sass himself, a miracle!

The two went to the kitchen where Anne was already setting some plates on the table, the smell of pasta lingering around the room.

"How nice of you to finally join us boys!" She smirked, shooting Harry a wink.

He groaned. "Mum, we weren't- I mean-" he stuttered out, Louis now blushing as Harry couldn't even get a sentence out.

Anne and Gemma were laughing, this was just too funny.

"I can't count on you now can I?" Louis his tone was serious, but his smile revealed the playfulness.

Harry cleared his throat. "Let's just eat dinner." He grinned at Louis, who in return shook his head.

They joined the other two at the table and they all started chatting about random things, like Louis his dancing and Harry as his teacher.

"So Louis, are you nervous about the selection? I heard there are all sort of gatherings and competitions, but the selection decided your stay at campus right? As well as maybe I place in Harry and Zayn's dance class group," Anne asked.

Louis clasped his hands together and nodded. "Can't deny I'm a bit nervous, it's next week already and I haven't been training as much as I was planning on, blame your son," he laughed, the rest of them joining.

Gemma shrugged. "I'm sure you will be fine, I heard from Harry that you're really good at dancing, and he's not just saying that because he's your boyfriend." She winked at him and Louis looked at Harry, who was already looking at him.

"Don't worry too much, love. I can't assure you a place yet, but I can tell you're one of the best dancers in your class, Niall and Liam are also pretty good by the way." He took a bite of his pasta, giving the boy a reassuring smile.

Louis shrugged and wiped some pasta off Harry's cheek with his sleeve. "We will see, it will be probably be fine."

The rest of the dinner was spend talking about dance, Harry's childhood and Anne showed some pictures of baby Harry, which Louis thought were so extremely cute, he never really changed it seems.

Some things just never change, it won't ever change me and you...

Helloooo lovely people!

Selection coming up soon! Will Louis get a place in Harry and Zayn's dance classes group? Or will their secret be revealed?

Been writing for a new story lately, not gonna publish yet but honestly, I love it so much already! Might be one of the best stories I've written over the years!

Catch ya soon!


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