21: Too Unlucky To Be Lucky

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Trigger warning: mention of a gun and shot being fired as well as a car accident.


"And first place from our adult devision solo's goes to..... LOUIS TOMLINSON!"

Louis couldn't hide the happiness when he heard that, he had won.... He had become first place!"

Immediately he was engulfed in hugs from everyone, congratulating him before he stepped onto the stage as he shook someone's hand and got a medal and a trophy. 

"So Louis, how does it feel to be first place with a top score of 300?"

Louis smiled. "It feels amazing, I never thought I would come as far as I did, thanks to my best friends and fellow dancers I kept on dancing."

The man nodded in understanding. "That's wonderful, could you tell me who choreographed this masterpiece?"

Louis looked at the audience, where Harry was seated and spoke. "Zayn Malik and Harry Styles from the 'Dusk Till Dawn' academy!"

Everyone cheered and clapped, some people even whistling as Harry looked at him with a proud expression on his face.

They talked some more before the competition was wrapped up and they all decided to go out for dinner and celebrate the wins.

"You still won lou! Even with messed up music you manage to make it!" Liam wrapped his arm around his shoulder, stuffing some food into his mouth they had just ordered.

Niall, who sat on the other side next to him, agreed. "What Liam says, we all did great tonight and that scumbag is locked up, could the evening get any better?"

"Of course." At that moment Harry pulled a bouquet of roses from behind his back, handing it to Louis.

"Here love, congrats again, you were amazing." Louis blushed and quietly thanked him, reaching for his hand under the table and giving it a light squeeze.

They ate and chatted about the competition and their next competition next week. People were blowing up Zayn and Harry's phone, wanting to know and see more from this new group.

After some hours it was time to go back to the hotel and get some sleep before catching a plane home the following morning.

Liam and Niall were driving with Zayn in a rented car while Harry would take Louis and Brooke, figuring they wouldn't all fit into one car.

Harry actually had asked Brook to go with Zayn so that he had some alone time with Louis, but the girl had insisted on coming with them, looking rather nervous.

Harry shrugged it off, thinking she might be a bit upset about not winning a solo.

The drive wasn't silent at all, Harry and Louis occasionally glancing at each other, both of them being seated in the front seat as Brooke sat in the back while Zayn's car followed theirs.

Brooke by now knew about Harry and Louis, being part of the team and overall hanging out with them a lot now that they entered competitions, so it wasn't a secret that Harry and Louis expressed their liking for each other in the front as they spoke.

"It was flawless babe, I should have recorded it!" Harry kept his eyes on the road but smiled, showing his adorable dimples.

Louis shook his head. "I beg to differ, I mean it was great but I would really like to work some more on the turns, being more steady when coming out of those." Harry hummed but seemed to agree to disagree.

It was that moment that something happened that no one had ever imagined.

Brooke, who had been quietly listening, pulled out a gun, aiming it for the front window of the car and firing once.

Harry of course, was shocked and caught by surprise, clinging onto the steering wheel as he tried to not let the vehicle crash.

Louis yelped as Harry couldn't get control over the car, being blinded because of the massive hole into the shattered glass of the window.

The car crashed against a tree on the side of the road and flipped until it was upside down.

Harry vaguely remembers looking beside him, noticing his boyfriend who was unconscious and bleeding from his nose and cuts on his precious face.

He felt the world spinning in front of his eyes as his vision got blurry, looking at Louis as darkness overtook.

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