14: Meeting The Most Important

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"We got everything? Let's go to donny!" Harry excitedly put the last suitcases and bags into the car before stepping into the passenger seat next to Louis.

They have had a movie night with the boys last night at Harry and Zayn's place, spending some time together before all going to their families and not seeing each other for a while, most of the two weeks of spring break.

"I'm glad you're excited, I'm excited as well to see my sister, brother and mother again." Louis smiled at his boyfriend as he started the engine and Harry reached for his hand, which he gladly took and interwined their fingers.

Louis had his eyes on the road but a smile on his face as he felt Harry's eyes stare at him, admiring him and his features.

"Yes! I'm a bit nervous but wondering if they look like you, seems like a wonderful family if you came from it."

Louis blushed. "Shush it, you're the goddess here, I should be the one who's nervous about meeting YOUR family."

Harry shook his head. "Not at all, you really don't know how beautiful you are hm? I will tell you every day, every second." He hummed in satisfaction at his own statement.

Louis chuckled. "You're one of a kind, Harry Styles."

In his mind he might have said 'I like you more than I'm aware of' but he quickly snapped out of it, Harry's random topics of conversation keeping him busy and laughing.

They had spoken to each other about all this, the student teacher thing and decided to just keep it a bit of a secret for now, the boys trustworthy and the only one knowing, and no one really expects it anyway, so for now they decided to just enjoy the holidays and see what happenes, knowing they could face everything together when it comes to a certain point, making it so that that thought was enough to let the worries fade away.


"Louis!" Four girls and a little boy came running through the door, all clinging onto Louis like a koala.

"Hello lovies! How are ya'll doing?" Harry smiled as he watched the interaction, you could tell Louis adores his siblings, talking about them a lot and such a bright expression seeing them again.

"Hawwy?" The little boy suddenly pointed at Harry, wriggling in Louis's arms to try and get a better look.

Louis went to stand across Harry and Ernest took the opportunity to grab a hand full of Harry's curls.

"Pretty!" He stated as Louis tried to untangle him. "I'm so sorry hazz." He said, a apologetic look on his face.

"No worries." Harry smiled and looked at Louis for permission as Ernest made grabby hands.

He lifted the boy up. "Hello lil man, I'm Harry, what's your name?"

The small boy proudly smiled. "Ernie!"

The other girls now all stood next to Harry. Louis pointed at all of them. "Harry these beautiful girls and boy are my siblings, Lottie, the twins Daisy and Phoebe and the other set of twins Doris and Ernest, girls this is Harry, my boyfriend."

The girls all engulved Harry into a hug and Harry immediately felt loved and all the love inside the family.

"Oh mum, I didn't see you there." Louis noticed his mother in the doorway, who had watched the sight and interaction with a smile on her face.

"Hello love, how are you doing?" Louis hugged her tightly. "Good, how are you?" She kissed his cheek and Harry could see they really loved each other.

"I'm fine, who is this young man? You surely didn't talk about him every night on the phone." She winked, Louis's face turning pink, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Mum this is Harry, Harry this is my mother, Jade."

"Hello Ms. Tomlinson, it's a pleasure meeting you." He shook her hand but she pulled him into a hug just as with Louis, suprising the boy but soon relaxing into the touch.

"Please call me Jade and the pleasure is mine, it's nice having you here, Louis talks about you a lot and I can already tell you make him happy."

Harry smiled as he felt Louis wrap an arm around his waist. "You raised a beautiful young man, Jade."

Jade awed. "Thank you dear, come in guys! Lunch is almost ready but we can drink a cuppa first. And yes Louis, yorkshire tea of course."

Louis chuckled and everyone went inside.

They sat down to talk some while the girls and Ernest were jumping around, glad to see their brother and his lovely boyfriend.

After a while Jade send them upstairs to play so that they could talk some more in peace and about other topics.

"So, Harry. You're a teacher at Louis's school?"

Harry gulped but nodded. "Yes, that's right. I got a major and studied to become a dance teacher after dancing myself for years until I was scouted."

Jade looked impressed as she took a sip of her tea.

"Very well, you chose a great boy, Louis."

Louis happily hummed, agreeing on that. "You don't have a problem us being teacher and student?"

Harry slightly gasped as he heard Louis say that, waiting for an answer.

"Of course not, Louis. You should know better, sweetheart. As long as you're happy I'm happy and you two fit, seem made for each other."

Louis hugged his mum and Harry did the same, thanking her and Harry thanking her for being able to stay here for a couple of days.

"Your house is just lovely, Jade."

The woman smiled and handed them both a cookie. "Ah thank you, it's not much but we handle it with what we have."

Louis sighed and Harry kissed his temple. "It's amazing, I know and can see Louis adores and loves you all a lot."

Louis smiled and caressed Harry's cheek as Jade beamed in happiness and delight. "We love him a lot as well, he's everything to us."

They talked some more, getting to know each other and catching up, lovely conversations.

Harry smiled everytime he and his mum laughed, smiled or when his beautiful giggle echood though the room.

'Yeah', Harry thought. 'This is the boy I want to spend the rest of my life with'.


Holiday seasonnn!

Next week is my last week of school before a week of 'fall holidays!'

Probably more updates coming soon!

I didn't include Jay and Felicity because I felt more comfortable not including them in my fanfiction, to also out my respect. They are in Louis's and friends, family and loved ones mind, hearts and sould and will be kept alive that way, even when not on this world anymore.

Please respect my opinion and decision on this one, I always have long explanations but I believe this one says enough for how it is now.

All the love, you're a strong one, lou

Cya soon!


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