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"Haa!? You picking a fight, four-eyes!?"

"Tanaka-san, don't start.."

Sugawara murmured, definitely not wanting another fight to start just like the first day..and probably avoiding the captain's scolding.

"We are not like a child!! You- you- you tree!"

Hinata attempted to make a mean nickname just like how Tanaka called the blonde megane a four-eyes.


Kageyama just let out a huff, he definitely doesn't want to argue back, definitely not wanting to be banned from the gym again or it's either he's scared of Daichi's glare; a signal of stop. Or even both.


You decided to head back to the locker area to grab your necessary textbooks before heading to class. Once you got everything you need, you immediately rushed to class. Afraid of being late.

You eventually reached class and glanced around to see if the teacher is present , thankfully you seemed to be early in class. But your E/C eyes met with a golden pair of brown eyes. The blonde megane. You broke the eye contact in an instant and instead sat down on your designated seat.


In the midst of class you can't help but find yourself glancing towards him from time to time. There's just this weird attraction you felt for him. Do you like him? No! Can't be! You just met him a few days ago and he's a stingy type. Atleast, that's what you've been telling yourself over and over until you realized the teacher is saying something.

"Tsukishima Kei please read the second stanza of the textbook in chapter 34."

Tsukishima? Who's-

The blonde megane stood up, holding the textbook in one hand and reading just as the teacher had requested.

Huh, so his name is Tsukishima.


You met the manager of the team, Kiyoko Shimizu. It's questionable how she manages to look after them, especially with the chaotic first years.

"Huh, they're going to have a practice match against each other at Friday?"

"Yes, Y/N. You see, Kageyama and Hinata sort of..had done a mistake towards the principal, so the captain, Daichi, decided to do a practice match with the first years. If they win, they'll be able to officially practice inside the gym."

Huh, so this is a problem between teamwork. Hinata and Kageyama..what could go wrong with them?

Anyways, you shook off the thought. You decided to walk peacefully with the chaotic first year duo since they were grumpy and sulking from the sarcastic remarks by the blonde megane earlier with Kageyama and Hinata, that is, until the blonde bumped into Hinata. Hinata, of course falling to the ground meanwhile the blonde megane not even fazed, not even a bit. There was someone chuckling in the background, someone's near the megane. A dark green-haired boy.

Wait a moment. That's Tsukishima! And..

Wait didn't I meet the green-haired boy before?

Flashback to yesterday.

You were carrying out the books your teacher has asked for you to bring in his office, but on the way there you accidentally bumped into someone. Fortunately you both only seemed to stumble yet you were really struggling to keep your balance because of the heaviness of the books you're carrying in the moment.

"Oh- my bad! Here, let me help you.."

The dark-green haired boy infront of you offered, actually, picking up half of the books your carrying before you even say anything. You were thankful.

"Thank you.."

You paused midway, realizing you don't know his name and he seems to realize.

"Oh! I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi."

"Ah! Thank you Yamaguchi."

You both eventually walked and talked together as you two held onto the books you were previously carrying all by yourself. You learned that he was in the volleyball team too, which was surprising, in a good way. It seemed you gained an acquaintance? Or perhaps a friend.


"My bad. I couldn't see someone so short."

The blonde megane remarked, chuckling sarcastically. It's definetely fuming Hinata inside.

"You- you!"

Hinata couldn't successfully make a comeback,

"What? Me? I have a name."

"You're still a tree!!"

And with that, Hinata stormed off and ran away from the four of us.


Kageyama commented, definitely implying Hinata.

"For once, I agree with you. 'King'."

Tsukishima replied to Kageyama with his signature sarcasm.

King? Why did he call Kageyama a king? I thought they were on bad terms-

Oh, they definitely are on bad terms-. Kageyama's glaring at Tsukishima and Tsukishima's enjoying every moment of Kageyama's anger. It's like Tsukishima's a fuel for Kageyama's angry fire.



I was so, so wrong to assume of what could go wrong. It's already Friday and Hinata and Kageyama been arguing non-stop because they're not keeping up with the other team.

Every set of Kageyama for Hinata, Hinata doesn't spike properly. Actually, he misses. Even Tanaka, sometimes.

Hinata's team consists of Kageyama and Tanaka.

And the other team consists of Daichi, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

This is only the first set. 7-12

There's a 4 point gap.

You're kidding, right? RIGHT? RIGHT!? Tsukishima Kei x readerWhere stories live. Discover now