15| After school

18 3 0

You were walking with Kageyama as you two head to the gym, he insisted on treating you a drink from the vending machine since you treated him last time so you ended up with strawberry milk and he gets his usual plain yogurt.


You two reached the gym afterwards and Hinata and Nishinoya immediately acknowledge your existence by running and jumping towards you in which, you slid to the side to avoid their hugs so you ended up bumping into someone.

Not noticing who it was, your instinct kicked in.


“Get off, pipsqueak.”

Oh? It's Tsukishima.

Doing as he says you backed off and bowed your head once more for another apology.

As usual you were just watching their practice once you had finished doing your homework.


Well, your attention span was changed.

You were chatting with someone from your phone rather than watching their practice.


“Pipsqueak, you're smiling over a screen.”

Tsukishima flicked your forehead with a strawberry milk carton, he probably bought it for you because he saw you enter the gym with Kageyama drinking that.

“Oh? I was?”

“Yeah, you look annoying.”

He sat down beside you and handed your drink, you gladly accepted the milk before stabbing the straw to the carton.

You texted the person in your phone one last time before closing it and talked with Tsukishima.

But little did you know he saw a glance of your chat history.

Shortcake 🍰 🏐
Hi Oikawa!!

Hey pretty face.

Shortcake 🍰 🏐
I'm free after school, I was wondering if your treat will still be...

Oh! Yes, were you too eager Y/N?
Haha, I'm free too.
We can head to the..shopping district, are you okay there?

Shortcake 🍰🏐

Great! I'll pick you up after school hours, 'kay?
Wait for me outside your school gate later.

Tsukishima pretended like he saw nothing. There was a feeling burning inside him. He doesn't accept of this. But he has no right to make you not go with him.


You're kidding, right? RIGHT? RIGHT!? Tsukishima Kei x readerWhere stories live. Discover now