8| Ice-cream

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"Isnt it a little too overcast to be going for ice cream?"

Yamaguchi has invited you to hang out with the two of them after practice, and fortunately you weren't that busy. So you agreed.

Tsukishima asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Come on Tsuki, we can get to know each other too!"

His green-haired friend replied back to the tall megane.

"Yeah, what Yamaguchi said!"

You added into agreeing with Yamaguchi's statement.

"Don't get me wrong I still want go..It just seems we picked an odd day for it."

Tsukishima sighed, he definitely will be forced or dragged along with these two goofballs infront of him.

You decided to frown at him. But your attempt to frown, your face betrayed you. Your cheeks were puffed and you looked as if you were pouting instead. Little did you know that you were too much of an adorable sight for Tsukishima to handle.

"Don't give me that look, you know I'll still go with you."

He whispered, his voice sounding quieter and huskier as he bent down at your level. Yamaguchi being dumbfounded by that fact but he decided to shrug it off since he didn't hear what Tsukishima had told you.

"Do you have a place in mind, Yam?"

Tsukishima then decided to lean away from you and placed both his hands inside his pockets.

"Yeah, at the park near the new crepe shop just a few blocks down."

"Oh, I know that place. My older brother used to take me there when we were little."

He has an older brother?

"I don't think I've been there for years."

"Really? Then you can lead the way!"

"Okay then, I'll lead the way."


"Yeah this is the place."

You and Yamaguchi decided to glance around as you two take notice of the astounding view infront of you in the park.

As Yamaguchi continued watching the view, you glanced at Tsukishima who's been oddly quiet the whole walk towards the park.



"You good?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so quiet. Just recalling some old memories"

"Oh, okay."

"Um you get what you want I'll pay for it."

He'll pay!? The lo and behold saltyshima has decided to say and do such generous thing? Even Yamaguchi was taken aback by Tsukishima's statement!

"Call me old fashioned but I occasionally like doing nice things for you."

He murmured in a hush and husky voice, just for you to hear.

Oh yes, only you.

You couldn't help but feel your cheeks beaten up upon hearing him speak so in response, you frowned at him and crossed your arms together.

"Oh, What's that look for pipsqueak?"


"But you're the one who's constantly blushing, not me."

You're kidding, right? RIGHT? RIGHT!? Tsukishima Kei x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ