Chapter 25.

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Taehyung and I got no chance to have a talk in the office. He left early because of his other work so I had to leave home all by myself.

I received a call from an unknown number.

"Am I talking to Ms. Y/n?", The lady on the other side asked.

"Yes", I replied with squeezed brows, trying to recognise the unfamiliar voice.

"We have received your job application to Vovori Cybernetics Corp and you are shortlisted, in order to confirm your place at Vovori you are supposed to attend this orientation programme. May I know when you are available? It has to be within this week", she added.

I flew to cloud nine, I was aiming for the same and I couldn't imagine the glee mom would experience upon hearing this news.

"I require three days as I'm currently in another city", I told.

"Sure, we are happy to have you at Vovoris", she formally repeated the rotted line which she might have said to all the shortlisted persons.

I walked inside the mansion.

"My darling looks happy, is it the date?", Taehyung's mom approached me with her most comforting smile.

Oh I would miss her the most.

"I have something to tell you and mom", I said out of excitement.

"Sure but you better go freshen up. Let's meet at the living hall, shall we?", I agreed.

Maybe call it excitement but I was suddenly feeling full of good energy.

I walked downstairs after freshening up and saw Taehyung sitting with his mom as well. My expressions dropped and my pace slowed down.

How could I forget him?!

I suddenly became nervous and conscious.

His eyes instantly acknowledged my arrival. I sat near his mom while he was sitting across from us.

"Y/n have to announce something.", She told Taehyung .

"—Let me call your mom", she dialed mom and she immediately picked up.

"We three are sitting together and Y/n has news to tell", she chose to do the intro.

I stole glances of Taehyung, he looked intrigued and confused at the same time.

"I'm listening", mom spoke. I forced a smile at Taehyung's mom.

I was not sure where to start. My fingers were entangled together while I was collecting courage. I wasn't sure what Taehyung would think about it but maybe it was better to leave after all those awful things happened between us.

"I applied for a job in the company which is based in my city—", I took a quick glance at Taehyung but the span was too short that I couldn't figure out what his expressions were like.

"—I received the confirmation call today and I'm supposed to join this week", when I stopped speaking the silence turned out too loud. All three of them spoke no words, none of them looked happy with the news. Although I couldn't see mom, she was anything but happy.

Taehyung was the first to leave. His mom received an instant video call from mom. I could finally see her now. She had a smile on. At least she looked happy.

"I can't wait to have you here with me", her eyes shimmered. My lips pursed at the sight.

"I love you", I told her and she sent one on my way. I looked at Taehyung's mom.

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