Part 20: Prepare for... Dancing?

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A/L: Don't expect a new chapter for a while. Still not giving up though. Please report if you see any mistakes.

I... Am...

Fucking exhausted.

I plopped down on the chair beside Ruby after I had pushed all but a few speakers in their place, along with Ryan and Nick. And as insult to muscle pain, Yang just sauntered over, carrying an entire speaker over her damn shoulder.

Was that a side effect of her semblance? Probably is.

Suddenly, Weiss came over and placed two table cloths in front of us.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a table cloth."

Mike: "But... They're the same color."

Ruby: "Yeah. Aren't they the same?"

Weiss: "Why did I even bother asking you two?" She walked away as Yang came in carrying another speaker over her shoulder with Nick in tow. As she dropped it to the ground, the table, me and Ruby jumped into the air. I let out a yelp.

Mike: "Damnit. One more for the bullshit counter."

Yang: "So. Have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

Yang: "Oh, don't worry; she's going." She looked towards Weiss and Ryan, before looking angry "Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies" Weiss walked up to Yang, with Ryan in tow, who looked tired, yet was still willing to help.

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!" All of a sudden, the doors opened as Sun and Neptune waled in.

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" Weiss stepped up to him, becoming sweet all of a sudden.

Weiss: "We were thinking about it..." Ryan just rolled his eyes as I cocked an eyebrow at him, interested at his input on the matter.

Neptune: "That's pretty cool."

Sun: "You ladies all excited for dress up?" Nick scoffed.

Nick: "We know Yang is."

Yang: "Yeah well, I'll be turning heads tomorrow night. What are you going to do?"

Nick: "The same." He crossed his arms. "There are other pilots coming as well, you know."

Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"

Sun: "Uh... This?" He gestured to his current outfit, as Neptune held a hand in front of his face.

Neptune: "Ignore him for he knows not what he says." Sun slapped the hand away.

Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place."

Mike: "Oh really? What a surprise."

Sun: "Yeah yeah... So, uh... Is Blake still being-"

Ryan: "Yes. She's still Blake-y"

Nick: "And by that, he means anti-social, moody, quiet and not listening to anything we say."

Mike: "Why asking? Wanna play dress up with her?" His face heated up considerably.

Sun: "What?! No!!" I chuckled, putting my hands up.

Mike: "Hey. I'm not judging. If you want, she's yours to pair up with."

Ruby: "If she even want's to come, that is."

Nick: "Hey. Me and Yang got a foolproof plan!"

Hank: "But!... I-"

Mike: "Don't you make me sell your-"

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