❤️🍦Circus Baby's Missing Cat...🍦❤️ (CBGFS & SAMS Theory)

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(FYI: CBGFS is short for Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy Show. SAMS or TSAMS is short for The Sun and Moon Show. Just letting ya know ;3)

Hey guys it's been a while hasn't it. I mean if you didn't read the author's note before this I said that last time I updated this book was basically a year ago. In fact crazy things have happened since then I mean I'm now technically in entirely different fandoms from then and have been for over a year.

Anyways, other than that this is the first theory I have and am going to write down to share with y'all. Before I get to it I just wanna let y'all know that this theory is a little older considering it's from April 10th 2023 yet I still like it.

In fact here's another little heads up before we started as well. So this theory is actually more on the funny corky side but as I said it's still fun to believe so I hope y'all like it.

Basically this theory is about CBGFS Circus Baby and what happened to her pet cat.

So my mind was just blown by this video...

at 2:11 CB said and I quote "I actually had a cat but... where did that cat go" this statement made me click lore connections. Who else in the shows now has a cat... Sun.

In fact that cat Sun has kinda just appeared out of no where during that 2D Mincraft video yet we all brushed it off thinking "Oh Sun would totally adopt a cat nothing out of the normal".

Yet now because of this video I now think that cat Sun has might have actually been CB's but ran away because she wasn't taking care of it. Sun probably found it on the street thinking it was a stray and took it in beacuse that's totally something he would do.

This may just be a stupid theory and Sun may have actually gone to a shelter and adopted a cat. Yet because of the show universe being connected and how the Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy Show does have some connections to the Sun and Moon Show in the sense that they're all friends and the fact that Glamrock Freddy has helped Sun and Moon before in the past with the whole Lunar ordeal.

So because of that I kinda see CB losing the cat and Sun finding the cat thinking it was stray and taking it in as more plausible.

And that's the theory. Sun is a cat thief confirmed XD.

Look, don't take this theory seriously it was just a silly corky theory I came up with that I think is fun to think about. I know Sun from SAMS now in current time has 2 cats but who cares. I just like to think about stupid but kinda cute theories like this to tie into lore because it's fun.

But really think about it, it makes sense. CB lost her cat around the same time Sun got a cat. Anyway now that I said this tell me what you guys think in the comments I'd love to see what you guys think.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this silly kooky theory I came up with.

Other than that until then believe me my next theories in this book will be a mix of silly theories like this and a lot more complicated and in depth about my predictions for lore on specifically the Sun and Moon show since that is my current hyperfixation.

In fact most of my next theories in this book will be more complicated and in depth about my predictions for lore on the as I said Sun and Moon show specifically. So if that's more up your alley then I hope you guys enjoy them. ;3

Until then...
Love you,
- Rachel / Luna💜

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