🩸🌙Possible Bloodmoon Redemption Arc🌙🩸 (SAMS theory)

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Hey my pups it's been a bit since I posted a theory.

This theory is actually my most recent one on the most recent lore video for the Sun and Moon Show or should I say the Bloodmoon and Ruin Eclipse Show posed on October 9th, 2023 so I hope you guys enjoy ;3

Anyway, Coming up with this theory took me 3 times of rewatching this video, 3 times of putting myself through the pain of watching KillCode's death over but I think I have a theory. A pretty good one too that I would like to share

Ok so here's my theory as much as I hate to say it... Bloodmoon is gonna be redeemed by the end of this month's takeover arc I guarantee. Now I know what you're thinking "but he doesn't deserve it" and honestly I agree.

After all Bloodmoon has done he really doesn't deserve a redemption arc especially after killing my 2nd favorite character aka KillCode (my poor overdramatic demon 😭).

Anyway, if this redemption arc is done right it could actually be really good and I know the writers are talented they'll definitely make it good. "Trust the process" as they say and I do. I very much do.

Yet other than that after watching this episode a few times and remembering a few lines from videos about 6 months back will back me up on this. Firstly it's gonna be a REALLY slow process but I guarantee KillCode's words will eventually impact Bloodmoon harshly.

Especially the lines of...
1) "Finding a purpose you have none"
2) "Your purpose you'll never find it like this"
3) "You were never really my child. You are a lost soul. When I called you my son, I wanted to find you a purpose."
and the biggest ones that I feel like will haunt Bloodmoon the most...
1) "You'll never be anything but a tool Bloodmoon."
and 2) "You Have Been Nothing But A Tool Since The Day You Were Born!"

So yes with that being said I do believe KillCode's last words that I listed are gonna haunt Bloodmoon for the rest of his days. It may take some time but mark my words... what KC said to Bloodmoon will come back and bite him in the butt. KC's words will definitely sink in and eventually take a huge toll on Bloodmoon.

In fact I guarantee the redemption arc will start with Bloodmoon starting to regret killing KillCode as he slowly starts to realize he really is being used as a tool. Gonna realize Ruin really is just manipulating him and using him in his plans just as Eclipse did to Lunar.

Meaning Bloodmoon himself will soon realize he isn't actually gaining any benefits from Ruin like he initially thought he was. KillCode will be Bloodmoon's haunting hallucination constantly reminding him "You are nothing but a tool" , "You don't have a purpose in life aside from killing" , "I really was trying to find a purpose for you" , "I really did care about you" , "All I ever wanted was what's best for you just as any father would to his child" as well as other things like that.

Bloodmoon is gonna realize he really did kill the only person that ever genuinely cared about him like a father. As well as someone who genuinely wanted to help him. If this doesn't happen I'll genuinely be surprised as this episode was set up way too perfectly for that to not happen in future time.

Then for more information on this "possible Bloodmoon redemption" there's 2 videos I can think of that can back me up on this claim as well.

The first video being "Sun is Trapped by Moon." Sun and Moon had a conversation in that episode that went like this that kinda proved my point especially the bolded sayings...
"You killed Bloodmoon"
"I... he was somebody that deserved it"
"Who couldn't control it like I couldn't"
"Do you think that excuses it still?!"
"Then I'm just as guilty! Kill me!"
"Yeah but the difference is you actually changed! He's still the same! He always would be!"
"He couldn't change! He's dead! You disintegrated him! He's nothing! No backup! No nothing! He's dead!" Then Old Moon also I'm pretty sure says at another point "He couldn't change because you didn't give him a chance to change" Thus meaning if given a proper chance or few Bloodmoon could in fact change for the better.

Then another thing that backs this up is in the video "Old Moon Returns" Sun literally says a few things to the Bloodmoon hallucination that sticks out for this theory as well...
1) "Ya know, I am sorry. If in some way there was somehow a way to fix you or make you not want to hurt people I would've done it in a heartbeat but you never wanted that."
2) "I am sorry. I wish you could've been different. I wish I didn't snap that day and hurt you. But I didn't have a choice."
And (which I think is the biggest foreshadowing factor to this) 3) "I didn't take joy in hurting you. I would've loved to have another brother. Just someone else to play tag with, or sit down and have fun, or talk about days with."

So if these 2 videos and their sayings I remember don't prove a possible foreshadowed redemption arc for Bloodmoon this month then what does? Because again I guarantee it will happen.

The reason I'm so set on this is because Lunar got a redemption October of 2022. So who's to say it won't happen again this year but to Bloodmoon during October of 2023? It only makes sense for the 2 lunar eclipses to end up redeemed at least to me.

So I'm set on the fact that there is gonna be something that causes a change of heart in Bloodmoon. Then resorting back to the start of this theory I think the future impact of KC's words in the video posted today will be that something that causes the change of heart in Bloodmoon.

And that's the theory so I hope you guys liked it. I think it has pretty solid evidence pointing to the show going in that direction.

Plus another main reason I think Bloodmoon regretting then hallucinating KillCode will happen in the future is because of this. A LOT of what KillCode said in his final moments to Bloodmoon during this episode HEAVILY reminded me of what the Bloodmoon hallucinations would often say to Sun when he began to hallucinate Bloody due to the regret of killing him. So it's set up way to perfectly in my mind for it not to happen with the current Bloodmoon and KC.

In fact if you really think about it, it only makes sense for this to happen considering Bloodmoon is technically part of Sun's code. Bloodmoon was originally made in Sun's head by Eclipse. Eclipse had nothing but himself and Sun's thoughts at the time. He probably used Sun's bad thoughts and ideas as well as some of his own code to make Bloodmoon originally. So another reason why it would make sense for Bloody to at least regret killing one person out of the thousands upon thousands of people he probably killed. It would be his "Sun side" kicking in.

Other than that tell me what you guys think in the comments I would love to hear your ideas.

Anyway with that being said...
Love ya,
~ Rachel / Luna💜

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