chapter 16

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You went up stairs and got undressed and dressed back into your regular pjs which was just a old (f/c) hoodie. You got under the covers smiling. "I cant hear the voices....or see the shadows" you said laughing insanely. "I just had to kill someone...I JUST HAD TO FUCKING KILL SOMEONE!!" you said louder and in between insane laughter. You laughed til you relized you killed someone regret frilled you as the old man and his wife's face flashed threw your mind making you cry. "I  had to for my well being...they were old..they lived good long life". You keep reapeating but only made you cry more. You reached for the pocket knife you kept on your dresser and flipped it open.You sighed lifting up the hoodies sleeves and cutting yourself horazontally. You winced but mealted into the pain it calmed you. You licked your blood from the knife and closed it putting it on the white dresser were some of your blood dripped on to. You got a bandge and wrapped it around your arms. You sighed and fell asleep were you dreamed of nothingness just staring into pitch blackness.

Jeff the killer x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora