chapter 26

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You woke up to a shooting pain in your stomach. You gasped in pain tears flooding your eyes. You felt a wetness between your legs. "What!!! This early! !! I'm only 8 months along! !" You screamed mentally gasping in pain again. You punched Jeff's cheast repeatedly waking him up. He looked at you concern clouded his eyes. "Whats wrong Y/N!?" Yeah almost yelled getting up. " baby is c-coming!!!!Ahhh!" You screamed in pain as Jeff's eyes went wide. "Your not due for another month though!!" "Who cares when im due right now. Get me to the hospital! !!!" You yelled letting out another yowl of pain. Closing your eyes tightly. Jeff picked you up running at inhuman speeds to the hospital across town. You flew in the doors and a nurse rushed you to labor and delivery. The doctor cane in giving you pain meds and water. Hooking you up on a IV. He put you In a gown and prompted your legs up on the holder thingys (Idk what there called) you began to push now that the baby's head was 10 centimeters diolated. You pushed for about 4 hours when finally the doctor yelled "congratulations. Its a girl!" Jeff cut the cord and the baby was sent down to the infirmary care. You didnt even get to she her. You were in tears. "My baby!! Is she ok!?!? Someone please help my baby!!!" Jeff got you to calm down in awhile but you stilled busted out in tears. You were terrified that the baby wasn't done growing properly. Did you do something wrong? Why had she come into this world pre-mature? You questioned your motherhood and what you did that could've effected her health. You cried for hours til the doctor came out saying shes perfectly healthy and that you could see her tomorrow but for now you had to rest so you fell asleep holding Jeff's hand worried for your child recently brought into the world you hated so much. You thought of your parents how they treated you. How the people in school hated you. You swore to yourself and the baby that you wouldn't put her though what you went though. Youd give her the life she deserves so dearly

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