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"What are you doing?" Elsa sighed as she walked into their fathers office and found Jack rummaging through drawers.

"Looking for the number of dads attorney, this is bullshit. I want it confirmed by him".

She rolled her eyes. "Are the documents not enough proof? You saw his signature".

At this point Jack swept the contents of the drawers he'd put onto the desk, off it it. "Why are you so fucking for the Rogers taking this from us! It's our home El! It's been this way since our family arrived here! They're part of the town history too, not just Joe Rogers and his!"

"I'm not 'for' anything! I'm just the one not getting pissed because daddy didn't give him what he wanted - seems all your work you put in? It was wasted". She glared. "Hell, I could even call the cops now and tell them about what you did".

At this point, Jack slammed her against the wall. "You do that? And you'll be joining him - remember? Anyone catches wind of this then I know you've been running your mouth. You really want me to put a bullet in you?"

She looked at him. "Perhaps it would be easier, but it won't get you nowhere other than a prison cell - brother". Then pushing him away. "I'm staying here, I'm not leaving. If anyone's gonna make sure that the Rogers don't end up letting this place go to shit then it's me".

He stared at her. "Then you're just as mad as dad".

"Nope, just keep an eye on our home - if I leave then who's gonna?".

Jack said no more and stormed out, going through to his bedroom to pack his stuff. Elsa followed, seeing him throw things into a bag. "Where you gonna go? You've not thought this through".

"I've thought it through enough. I'm gonna go stay with Brock - he's not willing to work under the Rogers either - although the others seem to be happy to betray dads memory by taking the pay rise to stay. Blackmail. That's what it is".

Elsa leant against the doorframe and watched her brother silently pack practically everything he had into a bag before hauling it out into the hallway. "So that's it? Your fight for the house ends here? You're gonna leave".

"I'm gonna fight it my own way". Jack grunted. "Got the attorneys name and number. I'll call him later. I'm getting our home back Els - no matter how far I have to go. I just need you here making sure things stay the way they are".

She knew just how far her brother would go. He already had exceeded with their father. Elsa hadn't thought that he would do it - but he did.

Which meant if he would do it for the house, then he meant what he said with his threats to her.

She had to keep on his good side.

"If anything changes, anything at all - I'll call you. At least you'll have me on the inside".

He said nothing but gave her a nod before taking his bag and walking out. The truck roaring to life and speeding off down the gravel signalled that he was gone.

Elsa didn't know whether to feel relief , or fear.


Sarah Rogers sighed that evening as she set dinner down on the table in front of her son and husband. "Well that's very gracious of you Joe. Showing up at a funeral just to tell the grieving kids that you're kicking them out". Sitting down and looked at Joe who was busy now tucking into his pie. "Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow?".

"No". Was all he said.

Steve jabbed his fork at the pastry but then looked up at his mother. "It needed to be done. We haven't got time when it comes to that place. Things need changing, repairing. We've got contractors coming to look at the barns to see what needs to be improved..."

"I expected more of you". Sarah pointed her own fork at her son. "I thought you had more heart than this old bastard". Eyeing Joe who now looked to his wife.

"Takes after his old man more than you'd like him to". He just smirked. "Sarah, ok - I admit it probably was a little harsh of us to turn up to the funeral. But contractors are coming tomorrow. I wasn't going to let them find out that way. Besides, even if Jack Rollins hasn't accepted our offer to work with him? The daughter - Elsa? She seems to have more brains".

"Well then she's a lot stronger than we thought. Shame that Wyatt didn't wanna pass everything to her like he was thinking about".

Joe shrugged. "I think he knew his son would blow a gasket if his little sister got everything - plus he didn't want her to have to deal with the debts".

"So instead he had us do it". Sarah rolled her eyes .

"We have more than enough money. The sale of the ranch helped Wyatt pay it all off and as a result? We've made the Goldridge Ranch is now expanding - everybody wins".

Sarah swallowed a mouthful of pie. "Yeah, except old Wyatt".

Joe went back to focusing on his dinner. "Yeah, well - that was unfortunate".

Steve said nothing. He and his father had their own suspicions but with Wyatt Rollins death ruled as an accident the case was closed.

Still. It wouldn't stop them from having their own theories. The timing was somehow convenient though.

He couldn't finish his dinner, appetite disappearing the more he pondered, and making his excuses he got up - taking his beer out to the porch so he could sit and just drink off the day. Sure, the hard part was over with - but the hardest was yet to come.

Learning to tolerate the pain in his ass that would be Elsa Rollins.

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