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"I'm heading into town for some business, why don't you buy yourself something nice?" Steve suggested as he noted Elsa come downstairs one morning.

She raised a brow quizzically. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothing, it's just that Thanksgiving is coming up and-"

"I don't celebrate it".

Steve stared at her for a moment. "What?"

Elsa shrugged. "We never celebrated that or Christmas after mom died, no birthdays either. I always remember it being that way considering I was too young to know what they were. It wasn't dad being a dick - he just couldn't imagine celebrating anything without her - it's what I'm used to".

"Elsa...are you telling me you've never celebrated your birthday?"

She shook her head. "Nope. When I hit twenty one I went and started drinking every year just so it was something to commemorate the day".

"So what did you guys do instead growing up?"

She looked at him like it was the dumbest question he'd ever asked. "Worked? On the ranch? It was just like any other day?"

"Well that's changing from now".

"And what if I don't want it to? It's not exactly fucked me up too much - and don't you dare even respond to that". She pointed an accusing finger at him. "I don't care if you fuck off to your parents that day or whatever. It's seriously normal for me".

She'd never had a Christmas tree. Never blown out candles on a cake. The only acknowledgement of her birthday being spent at a bar when she was old enough to drink. Even now at twenty four she found that it didn't bother her. It was just how she had grown up. Steve had already had thirty five years of being around his family, celebrating holidays that she hadn't. Elsa wasn't jealous, if anything more curious as to see what they were like during those times.

"Ok". He threw his hands up in defeat. "Still, you've been getting your cut from the ranch - so why not spend it on something?"

"I ain't got nothing to spend it on?" She half laughed. "I don't need nothing".

She'd never had much money to spend anyway. Now she was making more than she thought she'd ever be capable of. Still, it would be nice to have a new dress or two - perhaps some boots to go with it. "Fine. I'll look around but it don't mean I'm gonna be buying anything".

"That's good enough for me". He shrugged and went to get his keys.


While Steve dealt with whatever the hell he had to do, Elsa browsed a few shops in town - ignoring the stares and the whispers. No one was aware of her marital status, and the usual stares down people's noses were made. She had learnt to ignore them over the years though, and was fully aware shop owners only watched her in case she was to steal something.

Sure, she had in the past - except now she had no need.

It felt good, even if the atmosphere currently was anything but that.

Moving onto the next shop, she noted the pretty floral dresses in the window - mainly long sleeved, but when she'd walked past during the summer they had some nice lightweight ones. It was rare to see her in a dress - she'd never really had any occasion to wear one, other than the black garment for her father's funeral. Even then it was torn in a couple of places and generally needed throwing in the trash.

It wouldn't hurt to look though.

She tried on few sweaters with some jeans and leggings. For once she didn't lookalike the raggedy scrawny little thief the town saw her as, but scarily? She looked like she'd fit in with the Rogers. Her own clothes were worn and certainly needed discarding after wearing stuff like this? She tried on a few more things before deciding that maybe Steve was right. She should spend what she earnt, on herself.

Heading to the till, the blonde haired woman looked back at her with the same judgement as everyone else had. Sharon Carter. Elsa had always hated her, and her next words were a prime example of why. "Miss Rollins? Well, well...are you sure you can afford this?"

Elsa pushed the card across the counter. "Try me, bitch".

"Okaaaay" Sharon raised her brow and swiped the card. Then smirking. "Just as I thought - declined. You can go ahead and try to steal them, but the cops will be on your ass shortly".

"Well call them then". Elsa shrugged. "I can wait here all day to prove to you that card won't decline".

Sharon nodded. "Ok then, let's get them down here shall we?" Picking up the phone and calling them.

It wasn't long before two officers walked in and to Elsa's surprise - Steve was behind them. "Ah, Mr Rogers? I'll be with you once I've sorted this little problem out". Sharon smiled and then shot a look to Elsa. "Her card is declining, and I'm pretty sure she was about to walk right on out the door with this stuff..."

Elsa looked to the officers. "The bitch is lying, I've got enough money in my bank for this - she just wants to stir up shit. Why don't you go right on and try it again?" She smiled sweetly to Sharon.

"Ok, but it's just gonna say declined". Sharon replied as an officer came to stand by her to watch. She hesitated for a moment and then pursed her lips. "Well...would you look at that...it works..." Now turning a little sheepish at being caught out.

"I think you owe my wife an apology". Steve said, stood there with his hands on his belt, waiting for Sharon to do so.

She blinked at him and then laughed nervously. "Wife?"

Elsa held up her hand to show the ring on her finger. "Yep...wife".

"I think we can take it from here fellas". Steve told the officers who left. "Now, she's paid for her stuff, so why don't you say you're sorry and we can all be on our way".

"I'm sorry". Sharon put on her best false smile. "These card machines can be so unreliable".

Elsa just smirked at this. "They sure can, but you know what would be a real shame? Seeing such a thriving business like this close before Christmas"

Sharon's face fell. Of course the Rogers would have the power to do that - They were capable of anything.

"Have a nice day". Elsa took the bag that contained the clothes and boots before heading for the door, then feeling Steve's hand on her lower back as he guided her out.

"See how you can use my name to your advantage?" He asked with a hint of smugness to his tone.

She nodded. "Yeah...I see it alright".

Come tomorrow, word would soon be spread about the new Mrs Rogers, and for once, she'd be talked about instead of slandered.

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