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"So, erm...about last night..."

Elsa opened one eye as she soaked herself in the bath she'd run, feeling the need to relax after her conversation with Sarah that morning. Steve was leant against the doorway, watching her - even if he couldn't see her under the mountain of bubbles she'd put in.

"And here I was having the time of my life..."

He smirked and then bowed his head so she couldn't see. "I er...this morning, I didn't mean..."

"To kiss me like your mama?" She mused and held up some bubbles on her palm. "Well you sure did, and in front of your parents too". Blowing them into the air.

"I'm just gonna come out with it - I like you, a lot..."

Elsa sank further down under the bubbles so now only her head could be seen. "I think I guessed by the way you had me bending into every position possible last night".

"I just wanna know where we stand with one another, whether you..."

"If I hadn't have wanted you to fuck me then you'd be six feet under out there in pasture 5 right now". She smirked. "You wanna know if it's more than just sex". A small sigh escaped her. "I told your mom that I could tolerate you, and not like you - but that was a lie. I'm confused right now, by everything. I have been ever since I agreed to marrying you. Part of me thinks I know what I want, and then the other part questions it..."

Another pause.

"Men have only ever used me to get their dicks soaked. No one's ever cared about me, my feelings - but your mom? She told me this morning you did, that you loved me in your own way...and it scared me a little. I don't even get fucking scared but that? I just wondered whether she was telling the truth and if she was? Why do you?"

He wetted his lips. "You and me? Somehow, in some messed up way? We work. We fit together. I may not have liked your brother, but you? You never deserved the hate you got from the people in town. You couldn't help you were, or are. But the way you ain't ashamed to say how you feel and take no crap? I respect that. I like that about you.". Now it was his turn to come clean. "You remember that fight I got into as a kid with Jack where I pretty much broke his nose?"


"You were there, I saw how you tried to break it up and after he slapped you hard across the face. I didn't like it. No guy whether it's his sister or not should treat a girl like that. And I could see you wanted to cry. But you didn't. You just walked away and left him. That was when I knew that you were different if you weren't then you'd have been diving right on into the fight".

Steve now came and knelt next to the tub. "You really think I wanted to fall for you? It wasn't my plan, but I sure as hell wouldn't change it. But that's how I feel, and if it's not for you? Then it won't stop me from looking out for you". 

Her eyes met his, and now she leant over the edge of the tub, grabbing the neck of his shirt with a wet and pulling his lips onto hers. The words of how she felt just wouldn't come yet, but she hoped that this would tell him what he needed to know. She'd never been good with expressing her feelings anyway.  "You wanna get in?" 

"I'd like your little soapy ass on that bed for sure..." 

"I'm still sore, but I can get on my knees?" She offered, even if she'd probably need help getting to her feet after. 

His hands slid into the tub and under her body, lifting her out without giving a shit that the floor was now soaking. Carrying her to the bed, he laid her down, head almost falling back over the edge as he stood above her and undid his jeans. "How about I soothe that aching pussy of yours while you keep yourself occupied?" 

Her mouth opened, tongue sticking out and ready for him as her legs spread open. 

"That's my girl..." 

Goldridge (Steve Rogers AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя