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"Here we are, home sweet home". Steve said a few days later, leading Elsa into the cabin and helping her to settle into a chair. Doctors had kept her in for observation, but aside from headaches and little recollection of what happened, they were sure that she would make a full recovery. Steve was going to keep an eye on the amnesia she was suffering from though, they'd said it could be temporary or even permanent. 

Elsa remembered things in bits and pieces. She had no memory of what she'd done that day, however she could remember her therapist visiting the week before. They'd dared to ask about Jack and all she could remember was that he'd died, but not how. 

It would take time, but already she was becoming frustrated with herself. 

"I just wanna be able to remember shit again". She'd complained on the way home. 

"Hey, least you can remember me and the others". Steve smiled, happy that he would finally have her back home, however bronc riding was off the table for the time being. 

Now he looked at her, sitting by the fireplace as she glared at a random spot on the rug. "You need rest, you can't get back out there yet, least of all training your horses". Crouching in front of her, he took her hands in his and kissed them - looking up he noticed a small tear sliding down her cheek. "Baby, don't cry". 

It broke his heart, really it did. 

"It's the stupid meds". She sobbed. "I'm fine". 

She wasn't fine. He could see right through her. Read between every line she gave him. "You should get back to the ranch..." Elsa now suggested, not wanting to burden him anymore than she already had. 

Steve wiped the tears away with his thumb and shook his head. "You think I'm leaving you to go to the ranch? Like this? After you've just had a damn horse riding accident? I'm staying right here unless Bucky calls me otherwise. Everything's under control, but we need to get you better, yeah? Just like I did". 

"I don't remember that...I mean...I remember the wound..." Her head was searing with pain as she strived to think hard as to how he'd been injured. 

"It wasn't anything big, or important". He lied, knowing it was best for her own sake that she didn't remember that night of the fire in detail just yet. "You're more important right now than anything else, ok?" 

She just nodded, letting him go to unpack her bag while she sat there. "Can we go to the river?" Her voice found itself calling to him. 

Steve came out of the bedroom and looked to her. "The river?" 

"Yeah...I don't know why - I just wanna go...can we? I need to be outside. I don't wanna be stuck indoors". 

He hesitated but then nodded, knowing that they could reach it by walking. "Ok then, let's go - but you start feeling shit or tired then you tell me and we'll come back, ok?" 

Elsa got up and headed for the door with him following. Together they walked out and onto the ranch, stopping for a moment by the pen so as she could pet the horse that had thrown her. Not that she realised until Steve told her. "It ain't your fault boy...guess we just got a bit cocky and ran before we could walk". She told the horse gently as she stroked his nose. "We'll get there, gonna take time though". 

Steve guided her away and across the grass in the direction of the river, walking for a short while until they finally came to it. They settled under a tree, Elsa sitting back between his legs and resting her head under his chin. "I like it here..." She said, closing her eyes to listen the water. "I know that much..." 

He toyed with her hair. "I know you do. Makes you calm so you tell me". 

"I always wanted a cabin by the river, an escape. Didn't have enough money to build one decent enough..." She stopped, realising another random memory had resurfaced. "I can remember that?" 

"Don't push yourself sweetheart, the more you do the more time it'll take to remember what you can't". He told her. 

Elsa sighed, but decided to relish in the fact that she could remember anything at all - especially him. Closing her eyes, she listened to the rushing water again. 

Steve carried on stroking her hair, realising soon after that she'd fallen asleep. Her meds were strong so it was no surprise. As well as her head, she'd also suffered other minor injuries to her ribs and torso that were paining her. She still had insisted on getting up and moving about though. He gently picked her up and carried her back to the cabin, putting her into bed before going and cracking open a beer. 

He needed this. 

Busying himself for the next few hours on the phone to contractors who were currently working on the new home, the completion date looking to be set for the next month. He couldn't wait to show her, surprise her with the home she deserved. 

It would be their haven. 

Elsa was still asleep by the time he came to bed later on, knowing she'd probably be awake at a random hour. Still, as long as she was resting then he didn't care. 

"Steve?" Her voice was small as he settled next to her, kissing her hair. 

"Go back to sleep sweetheart". 

"I've been awake for the last couple of hours". 

He frowned at this. "Why didn't you call me?" 

"I...I dunno...i was trying to think about things, and guess I got carried away. Now I'm sleepy again". 

Checking his watch, he turned on the light and leant over her to get her meds from the side table. "You gotta take these two, they're gonna knock you out again, but when the doc comes in a few days he may give you a lower dose that won't have you sleeping so much". 

She let him get her a glass of water and willingly took the pills, settling down with a small groan of pain as her body reminded her of her injuries. "Fuck this..." 

Steve chuckled. "There's my girl...c'mon, we'll watch some TV for a while. You'll be asleep before you know it". 

"Is that something we did before?" She asked, "I can't remember?" 

"Watching TV in bed? Not really...but we can start if you wanna?" 

She moved closer to him as he channel hopped, finding something they both could endure watching for a while. "I like this too" Elsa said as she yawned a half hour later. "We should start to do this". 

Steve kissed her forehead. "Whatever you want sweetheart". 

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