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Elsa had begun to make more of a recovery as the months began to roll by. She was eventually back training the horse that had thrown her, not hesitant to get back on (much to Steve's displeasure) but also knew her limits. If she was heading out to ride then Natasha or Yelena would usually accompany her so it kept Steve happy.

Their relationship had only got stronger, even if sometimes there were fiery arguments then usually they would end up resolving the issue with angry sex. To tell the other to go fuck themselves was normal before they'd stop and end up dragging either one to the bedroom. Usually it would be him who was the first to cave and apologise.

They had a good thing going. A good routine. The ranch was thriving better than ever now they'd fully expanded, however it didn't stop the threats that plagued the family.

One of which had appeared that very afternoon as Elsa sat drinking a glass of wine outside - seeing a fancy car pull up before a man got out and walked towards her.

"Mrs Rogers?" He asked, his accent thick.

"Who's asking?" She said, sipping her wine.

He pulled out a card and passed it to her. As soon as she saw the word 'property developer', she paid him more attention. These bastards were the bane of her family's life and always had been.

"My name is Helmut Zemo".

"I can see that - any reason you're here, although I think I can already guess the answer".

He shifted from one foot to the other. "I was hoping for your backing for the new apartment complex that is going to be be built along with a new mall. More income for the town, more custom for you..."

"Lemmie guess, you're sticking it right on the border of our land..." she smiled sweetly.

"I actually came to make you an offer"

Elsa stood up and looked at him. "No sale - we don't take no offers, we don't sell no land. Quite frankly what you see as more custom and income for the town? We see as you spoiling our landscape. We don't need no mall - no more homes for the rich banker bastards who only buy it to show their tiny dick friends how much cash they can flash. So no, you ain't got our backing, and you won't have your construction either, because you ask anyone in town and they'll tell you the same. Stick it up your ass".

Zemo smirked, taking in what she had said and just nodded. "It was a pleasure to meet you Mrs Rogers, have a good day - I'm sure we'll be seeing more of one another soon enough".

"For your sake? I hope not". She left him with the final word as he straightened his suit jacket out and returned to his car, driving off down the lane.

Steve appeared by her side, slipping his arm around her waist and watching the car as it rolled down the track. A hostile look upon his face.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"A new problem".

His eyes still remained on the moving car. "Are we going to have to deal with it the Rogers way?"

She nodded, eyes also still on Zemo's car that was now disappearing from view. "I think that we certainly will, baby".

Steve pressed a kiss to her head and took the business card that Zemo had given to Elsa. "I'll keep this, future reference. We'll be fine sweetheart, no one's taking our land or our home for us. We've dealt with people like him so far, he's just another to add to the ever growing list of unfortunates who've crossed us..."

Elsa knew just how exactly they dealt with people and situations like this now - and with the ranch hands loyal and a part of it, then the job would be done tactfully and properly.

They stood there, watching out over their land with the same determination on one another's faces before Steve steered his wife back inside their home.

Anything that Zemo or anyone else had to throw at them? Then they would be ready to strike back with the only way they knew how.

The Rogers way.

The End

Goldridge (Steve Rogers AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ