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"You look tired sweetie, ranch busting your ass? Or your wife?" Sarah smirked as she sat out on the porch of the family ranch with her son. It was rare he'd seek her out when he visited, usually talking business with Joe - but today he had.

"Both" he smirked. "I ain't complaining though".

She chuckled and cradled her mug of coffee. "Am I gonna be hearing about any grand babies soon enough?"

He shrugged. "That's actually what I came to talk to you about. Can you remember anything at all about Elsa's mama? See her out in the town with the kids or anything before she died?"

Sarah frowned. "Why?"

Steve sat there and shook his head. "She's worried, don't want no babies because she said she'll end up hating them like her mama did to her. Apparently she was neglected, left to cry for hours. We've talked about it, she's scared and while I don't mind what happens, I just wanna try and help her see that she ain't anything like her family".

Sarah sat there for a moment and then sipped her coffee. "I don't remember Mae Rollins ever neglecting her kids from what I saw? Ok she married into a family with a shitty rep, but she herself? She only had to hate us because she was in that family. People would turn their noses up at her, in return she'd just ignore it. She mainly kept outta any dispute we had with Wyatt, focused on the kids. That woman weren't neglectful. It was illness that took her quick, Elsa wasn't barely two years old. Even though our families never got along? I felt for Wyatt, having to now bring up two kids on his own. I can tell you now that even though she wasn't liked for who she was? Mae Rollins loved those kids, always put them first".

Steve nodded. "Think you could tell my wife that? She knows you wouldn't lie to her".

"I'll go see her once I've prepared supper - see if I can help in any way".

"Thanks Ma".


Elsa was busy cutting up some vegetables when Sarah poked her head around the kitchen door. "Oh? Steve didn't tell me you were coming over? I'm just making dinner A or at least trying to. You and Joe joining us?"

"I'll help you if you want? And no, I actually stopped by to see you - Steve's back at our place with Joe sorting through some paperwork for selling a few cattle".

Taking a knife from the drawer, she began to help her daughter in law. "He told me about you worrying, so I came over to talk".

Elsa put her own knife down. "Sarah, please - look I'm sorry that you won't be getting these grandkids anytime soon, but Steve understands..."

"Oh I ain't bothered about that - it's you that I'm worried about. Thinking you'd end up like your mama? Sweetheart, whoever told you what they did is spewing bullshit left, right and centre. That bothered me so much I went and spoke to one of your daddy's former cowboys, remember old Stan?"

Elsa frowned. "The fuck? He's still alive?"

"Course he is! Grim reaper ain't getting that old bastard yet!" Sarah said, a little outraged. "Anyway, I went and spoke to him, asked if he could remember your mama and what she was like with you kids - and believe me he was pissed that I'd even asked. That man's mind is still as sharp as a tac".

"And what he say?"

"Same as I said to Steve. That your mama would never treat you the way you've been told about. She put you first, loved you. Hell, she'd have walked through fire for you and your brother. Kept herself to herself and outta any disputes our family had with yours. Ok, she could cut men down with words, but that was coz she had to. Sweetie if you are anything like your mother then you should be damn well proud". She smiled at her. "Who told you all that shit that she was neglectful?"

Elsa pursed her lips and looked away. "Jack..."

Sarah sighed. "And you still believe all the shot that came outta that boy's mouth? Even after everything he put you through?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore - especially when it comes to my family. I ain't got no one to ask either...shit..." she sighed and ran her hands down her face. "I just...I've been in this mindset for so long - now I know, I'm not sure what I should be feeling?".

"Sweetheart, you feel what you want to - but the bottom line is? You're like your mama and for the better. Any kid would be lucky to call you that". Sarah smiled and passed her the knife. "Now, this dinner ain't gonna make itself, what is it?"

Elsa shrugged. "I call it random shit in a crock pot - with chicken..."

Sarah roared with laughter. "Hoping it comes out for the best?"

"You know it". Elsa now managed to laugh, feeling a little lighter and less heavy in her mood than she had been earlier. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome. I always wanted a girlie to talk with, give advice to when she grew up. But now I got you? I'm very much happy with that".

Steve returned home later on, Sarah having been long gone and walked into the kitchen where his wife was plating up. "Oooh, random shit in a crock pot night - my favourite". He grinned, giving her a kiss before he went to wash up.

"With chicken don't forget!" She called back as she heard his laughter echo down the hallway.

"You seem a little happier, you alright?" He asked as he came back in and took his plate through to the dining room.

Elsa nodded. "Yeah...I feel better", then putting her plate down and moving around the table to kiss him. "I'm sorry..."

"Baby you've got nothing to be sorry about".

"No but I was living on lies from a person who I should've stopped believing a long time ago. And it's stopped me, and us from having what we should".

Steve sipped his arms around her waist. "You need to be sure. And if you're not? Then like I said, I don't care. I have you. I have this ranch..."

"I've been thinking this afternoon- a lot. I need to think on it more, but part of me does want this".

"Then just take your time ok? We don't need to rush into anything that you're unsure of, ok?" He pressed his lips to her head. "You know I love you right? Even if I don't say it much. I should do more".

She nodded. "You don't need to tell me, I know because you do it in your own way. That's enough for me".

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