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Things had been civil enough so far - the last few weeks working out just as Steve hoped that they would. He and Elsa worked a kind of schedule around one another, making sure that paths didn't cross unless needed. He was always up and out early anyway, not returning until late. Even then she'd be at some bar and roll in at an ungodly hour, or she'd be in her room.

Tonight, it was the first. Her truck was gone so it was likely she'd be rolling in around 3am again. Either way Elsa could hold her own. What Steve wasn't expecting was the 1am call from the county jail that disturbed his peaceful slumber.

"Why am I not fucking surprised?" He yawned as Elsa's voice came down the line. If she'd been caught drink driving then they were more than welcome to keep her for the night. 

"I know what you're gonna say, I'm right where I belong - but I need you to bail me out". She droned like a tipsy and bored teenager about to recei inve an 'I told you so' from their parent. 

He groaned. "Before I even so much as think about letting you outta your cage - what did you do?"

Elsa huffed. "Got in a fight with some guy at a bar - fucker started it when he decided to touch me without my permission - so I took my fist to his face..."

"You've gotta be shitting me". Steve muttered to himself. "And is he pressing charges?"

"Of course he fucking is! Look, I did what I had to ok!? If it's any consolation he also punched me right back..."

Steve sat bolt upright. "What".

She laughed at this. "I know! Yet he's got the audacity to press charges against me! He was the one who tried to shove his hands over my tits in the first place! But anyway, look - if you can't bail me out it's fine. I'll just..."

"Isn't there anyone else you can call?" He now asked in sleepy annoyance, running a hand back through his hair. 

"Only got one call, and the only person I know is you..." she trailed off quietly - sounding almost ashamed that she really did have no one apart from him.


"I'll be there soon". Steve sighed, getting out of bed and pulling his jeans on. "You're a right pain in my ass, you know that?"

"Whatever, come get me out Rogers". She replied.

He decided to get his own back now. If she wanted to be free of the slammer, then she could damn well work for it. "Say please, otherwise you can stay there for the night". 

"Please". She mumbled .

"Sorry, say that again? I couldn't hear you". He smirked, putting his jacket on.

She said something he couldn't quite hear but then came back with. "Please? Come and get me out?"

"Good enough - I'll see you soon". He replied and hung up, cursing to himself and then grabbing his keys.



Pushing the doors to the jail open, Steve strode in and looked around. It was quiet aside from the couple of cops talking at the desk. "Where is she?" He demanded.

"Mr Rogers? Where's who?" One of the officers frowned, a little surprised that he was there and at that time of the morning.

Steve stared at him in annoyance. "My wife".

The officers mouth parted slightly, but it appeared that he'd lost the ability to speak. "Are you...erm...wait, we only have Miss Rollins here and -" he was cut off as Steve got a folded piece of paper from his jacket and pushed it across the desk. The marriage certificate that showed that yes, they had indeed committed to one another. At least only on paper anyway. Elsa flat out refused to wear the ring or acknowledge that she now had his last name. Why had she agreed when he'd proposed the idea to her after they'd talked about her giving up rodeo? Because it meant that at the end of the day, if anything happened to him? She got everything. His money. The ranch. It would all stay with her. Steve knew it was a pretty stupid thing to do considering that neither of them saw eye to eye, but in his defence, it would secure her - just as her father had wanted. He knew she wasn't stupid either, and after some deliberation, she had agreed. 

They'd headed down to the courthouse after closing time and had got someone to do it there and then with just his parents present. But that was as far as it went. Steve wouldn't be surprised if she'd pawned the ring already - but he didn't care. It was done. Bucky had told him that his life was pretty much over as they'd sat and drank themselves into a coma later that evening. "She's got my name now, she'll have the perks that come with it". Was all Steve had shrugged and then told him to stop bringing the subject up. 

He now shot a look to the officers. "You got all the proof you need right there - now you're gonna go drag her ass from that cell so as I can drag it back home, but first? Where's the guy who threw a punch at her?"

"Cell five sir..."

"Well, you're gonna let me in there because I have a few words to say to him - we clear?"

The officer nodded and got the keys, leading him down to the cell and opening it. Walking in, the door shut behind Steve who then had the guy up by the wall against his throat. "You the one who touched her without her saying you could?" He hissed, slamming him back against the wall some more. 

"She...she..." The man struggled as Steve held him there by his collar. 

"Now you're gonna listen to me and you're gonna fucking listen good - you're gonna drop the charges, and she's gonna file them against you. You're gonna take whatever you're given. The cops in this place? They answer to my family, you understand? And you don't fuck with us - so you so much as try to get out of this or retaliate? I will know where to find you because the first damn thing I'm asking for when I walk outta here? Is where you fucking live - got it?" 

The man nodded, stunned into silence and Steve now threw him across the cell. "Have a good night pal". Then knocking on the door and walking out. The officer closed and locked it again. "Get his details, and get my damn wife!" 

"Yes Mr Rogers, sir". The officer nodded quickly and hurried away to get Elsa. 

Steve leant back against the front of his truck and waited outside for her, the man's details safely in his pocket. The door opened and Elsa walked out, now coming towards him, hands in pockets and her head down - her hat hiding her face. As she got to Steve he pushed himself off the truck, grabbing her chin and pushing it up harshly so as he could see where she had been punched. Her eye wasn't looking too pretty, and she had a split lip - but it seemed the guy had come off worse. "A cheap shot..." he muttered and took his keys from his pocket. "Get in the truck, we're going home". 

She said nothing and got in the passenger seat, the drive back to the ranch being one of uncomfortable silence. "How much was my bail?" She finally asked quietly. 

"Nothing, I know a couple of people higher up in the department - all I had to do was tell 'em to let you out". 

Elsa looked across at him with a frown, one that was paining her clearly. "How?" 

"You take my name? You get the benefits that come from it - but that doesn't mean to say that you can pull this shit again ok? I didn't do this just to be dragging your ass from jail every weekend". 

"Who said it was gonna be every weekend?" She smirked and then saw his face. "Fine. I won't punch anyone else - unless I have to, you included". 

He snorted. "You wouldn't have barely lifted your arm before I'd overpower you". 

"Kinkyyyyy" She drawled. "I prefer to be the dominant one though"

By now they'd pulled up in front of the house, Steve saying nothing else and getting out of the truck - slamming the door shut. Once inside, he got her an icepack from the freezer and wrapped a tea towel around it, passing it to her. "Don't say I don't do nothing for you, Ice". 

Without another word, he headed to his bedroom to try and at least get in an hour or two before he had to be awake again, Elsa simply staring at the ice pack as he did. 

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