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"You hiding from me baby?" Steve asked as he found Elsa curled up on the outdoor sofa that was on the porch of the river cabin. Considering she still wasn't allowed back to training her horses or riding, she'd taken it upon herself to spend her days retreating to her cabin. Sometimes just to sleep, and other times to relax when her head was feeling like it was overwhelmed.

She shook her head and smiled sleepily up at him. "Just been a shit day, couldn't remember whether I had sugar in coffee or not".

Something like that was enough to upset her. He knew that.

"You have one". He confirmed, sitting beside her and pulling her up, letting her huddle into him.

"Fuck". She muttered to herself.

He kissed her head. "Hey, it's ok - good days and shit days. I know how much you wanna get back out there". Then leaning into her a little more, he uttered "I could fuck away your worries by that fireplace tonight?"

"Mmmmm" she laughed a little. "We spend so much time on the damn floor by that fireplace that I'm starting to wonder whether we actually need a bed?"

She had a point, he'd been having her all over the house to christen every room since they'd moved in fully.

"That a yes?"

"Can I ride your face?

"Sweetheart you don't even need to ask, you just jump right on". He chuckled and got up, also pulling her to her feet with him. "C'mon - I don't like you staying out here too late". Even if she could remember the way back, the last thing Steve wanted was to be searching for her in the dark.

He led her back to the house and was thankful that he could now relax. Elsa simply flopped onto the sofa while he made himself a drink. "You sure you're ok?" He asked, a little concerned.

She nodded. "I'm fine - I just need sex and sleep".

He took a swig of whiskey and then put the glass down, kicking his shoes off and undoing his belt. "C'mon then - let's get you full and happy".

Grinning, she sat up and undid her jeans, wiggling from them and then pulling her top over her head. By now, he was down to his underwear as she settled onto his lap, already feeling him grow harder underneath her.

"You taken your meds?" He asked as she kissed him
But then abruptly stopped.

"You're killing my libido Rogers, I'll take 'em after but first I want you inside of me and making me erupt like a damn volcano".

He didn't even have to hesitate. His hand pushed her panties aside, thumb now circling her clit as her hips began to slowly move against him - grinding against his cock. "Damn, you're eager tonight..." he grunted, fingers slipping inside of her and beginning to move on and out.

"I'm always eager for you, baby". She sighed happily, now swatting his hand away and lifting herself up so as he could take off his underwear.

"Easy". He told her as she tried to settle herself on him. "We got all night".

"Need you in me". She breathed, slowly sinking onto his cock and moaning in delight. "Fuck!"

He held her as she began to slide up and down him, moving together until they picked up the pace. "You want me to fill you up until I'm spilling from you?"

She nodded, throwing her head back. "Yes..."

"You want me to put a baby in you? Make you all round and beautiful?" He murmured as he kissed her and sank his teeth into her skin, biting and nipping until he was satisfied he'd marked her enough.

"Yeah..." she panted, feeling herself begin to tighten around him.

"You sure?"

She nodded, losing the ability to use her words as her head began to spin in the wake of her building climax.

He thrust up into her with deep long strokes until he finally felt her begin to shake. "That's it...come all over my cock, show me how fucking soaked I can make you".

Her moaning his name sent him spiralling and he began to shoot inside of her, keeping her firmly down on him so he could make sure he stayed inside of her as long as possible. Both of them finally found their breath, Elsa thighs shaking a little with aftershocks.

She got off and pulled her panties back on, demeanour changing quickly. "I, er...I need to take those pills..." she muttered.

Steve frowned, getting dressed. "What's wrong?"


"Then why are you suddenly acting like a regretful one night stand?"

"Because I got so caught up in having a ducking orgasm that I made the wrong damn choice!" Her voice cracked. "I...I don't know if a family is what I want? I just...I don't know if I could ever be better than where I came from. And I'm scared - scared I'll make the wrong decision and regret it, then resent the poor kid like my own mother did to me".

He got up, pulling his jeans back on and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. "Sweetheart, your mom died when you were little - you couldn't know that she resented you".

"She did - Jack said she'd just not take care of me, leave me crying because she couldn't stop me from doing that anyway...those are just a few things. But I don't wanna be like that, I don't wanna..." he cut her off as she began to cry, with a small kiss on her lips.

"You won't. Look - I guess this is something we need to talk about, but for now? Go take your pills, I'll bring you up some water".

Elsa looked at him. "I don't want you to feel like I'm robbing you of a chance for that. This is why you shouldn't have married me. You gave up the chance for happiness"

Steve took her by the shoulders firmly and gently shook her. "Baby, I didn't give it up - I fucking found it. Kids or no kids? It's you that makes me happy, you can't rob me of something I don't have ok? Coz I have you that's all I need".

She nodded. "I just need time - to think about it all and decide".

"Like I said, it's something we need to talk about - but not tonight ok? Now go sort your pills and I'll bring you that water".

Watching as she went upstairs, he sighed to himself, sensing another conversation with his mother looming.

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