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Elsa walked into the ranch house later that evening, the taste of victory still on her lips as well as the couple of beers she'd consumed. Coming through the living room she noted Steve sat drinking in a chair by the fire. The evenings were becoming cooler now, and it wouldn't be long before they were replaced by chilly winter nights in the next few months. 

"One hell of a long errand you ran today". He announced as she walked through. 

Elsa stopped and turned to him. "What's it to you?" 

He stifled a laugh and then took another sip, eyes finding hers. "Oh hell, where are my manners? I forgot to congratulate you on your victory, champ".

She crossed her arms and stared at him. "You been following me Rogers?" Great, now her every move was being tracked. It was clear now that there was no trust, even if they had been sharing the same house. 

"Curiosity got the better of me".

"It also killed the cat too - can't I just have one thing to myself". She muttered the last part, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. 

He got up and poured a drink for her. "You and I are gonna have a little talk".


"Sit". His voice was stern as he pointed to the chair and she walked over, practically throwing herself down onto it. 

"Ok then, what we gonna talk about?"

"You playing buckaroo out there - why'd you start?" He took the vacant chair opposite her and now watched her study the contents of her glass. If she thought he was gonna poison her then she thought wrong - although it hadn't stopped him in the past. 

"I can see the dollar signs in your eyes already - I ain't telling you shit". She downed the whiskey. "If you're about to use me to..."

Steve reached over and clamped his hand over her mouth to shut her up. She tried to prise his fingertips away but he was stronger. "As hard as it is to believe. I just wanna learn about why you decided to go into rodeo. That's all - no catch, no plan to use you to make more money. Can we just have a conversation where we don't end up arguing with one another". He pulled his hand from her mouth. 

"Make me another drink and I'll tell you your bedtime story". She finally held out her glass and he took it to refill. On returning it to her plus the rest of the bottle, she sat back. There was a long couple of minutes of silence before she finally spoke, not looking at him. "It's the only thing I'm good at..." 

His fingertips traced the rim of his glass. "Any reason why you started?"

"You really think that this place has survived this long on cattle? Nope, I entered because the prize money would help with the bills - but not enough to have stopped dad from wanting to sell. That was why the buckle was in his desk. I told him to sell it and use the money to at least try and pay off some debts - but the stubborn old bastard wouldn't".  Elsa explained a little bitterly. "Being there though? No one knows me, or my tarnished name I'm actually respected as opposed to being treated like trash here. It's something I can say is mine - that I earnt it". 

"Well if you think I'm gonna take it from you? You're wrong". Steve told her truthfully. "And...and I can't believe that I'm saying this - you're a good rider. You have talent". 

"Why'd you think I train wild horses, gotta get my practice in somehow". She shrugged. "But that doesn't matter - that was my last competition". 

Steve frowned at this. "Why?" 

"Dad ain't here anymore...I have no reason to enter now. No purpose..." She trailed off, talking more to herself. "Didn't really have one in the first place. The goal was to win, get the money and use it to keep the ranch going, or at least help - don't need to do it now..." 

He could see she was trying hard not to let her guard down too much, but the disappointment was clear. 

"Just coz Wyatt isn't here anymore, doesn't mean you need to stop". He pointed out.  "You do realise that you can do it as a hobby?". 

"Got a lot to do here anyway". She shrugged it off. "Maybe I'll enter again, but I dunno - being out there? I'm not judged by anyone because I'm a Rollins. It's like I can be someone I'm not". 

Steve looked at her. "I think we need to talk about how we're gonna live with one another going forward. Ground rules and shit - I don't wanna fight with you. I'm not here to ruin the ranch. I'm here to run it and get it up to the standards your dad wanted". 

"You and me ain't ever gonna see eye to eye - I've already told you too much of a fucking sob story". 

"We lay down the rules. Talk about what we can do to make this work - and I've got a few ideas. You're gonna hate them, but just know it's for the best interests of the ranch in the long run". He said, going to get another bottle because he would sure as hell need it to make any sort of negotiations with her. 

Elsa didn't move from her chair. "Fine. But I can't promise you that I'll stick to any rules you give me. I was born to break 'em". 

It was the first comment from her that had made him smirk a little. "We'll see, Rollins". 

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