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"I was half expecting this place to look like..." Bucky stopped on seeing Steve's face as the pair took a walk around the ranch. His best friend would be the new foreman and living in the foreman's house that was just across from the main ranch house.

"Trash? Go on, I know you wanted to say it". Steve chuckled, hands in his pockets while they wandered past the corral.

"I mean, that's how everyone has seen the Rollins family anyway, so yeah..."

"Wasn't as bad as I expected it to be either if I'm honest - all just cosmetic, plus it's gonna be expanding and improving. It was what Wyatt wanted us to do anyway".

Bucky snorted. "Can you imagine if it had ended up in the hands on Jack? The place would've probably ended up looking derelict - how's life been with the snow queen?"

Steve shook his head. "She's a pain in the ass, in my head. Literally the human version of a migraine. She ain't afraid of nothing and no one - girl is just as feral as they say".

"Got a reputation to keep. Trash and all that" Bucky had been involved with too many run ins with Jack Rollins over the years, also standing up for Steve when needed. Needless to say he wasn't a fan of the family. No one in town really was. Rumours about their ranch ranged from drugs, to murder - none of which had even been clarified. Jack was the one to hire the ranch hands, so it was plain to see just what kind of people they were whenever they frequented any bar in town.

"Yep, that's me - pure and utter trash". Elsa's icy tone came with a look to match. Atop of her horse, she was coming back from one of the trails that was on their land. "Gotta represent the family after all".

Steve could sense a hint of bitterness within her tone, but chose not to dwell on it. "This is..."

"Bucky Fucking Barnes". Elsa glared. "Yeah. I know him".

Bucky smirked and tipped his hat. "Pleasure as always Miss Rollins".

"It really ain't - you fuck up my ranch and I'll do the same to you". Her eyes narrowed.

Steve stood watching the exchange calmly. "You forget Miss Rollins - it ain't your ranch anymore".

"As long as that name is still on that sign. It's still my damn ranch". She tugged the reigns and guided the horse in the direction of the stables.

Bucky hollowed out his cheeks before letting the air escape from them. "Rest in peace pal". Now looking across to Steve who was still watching Elsa's every move - just in case she decided to turn back and try to trample them to death.

"Let's just carry on". He muttered through gritted teeth and continued to show Bucky around. He really needed to get his mother over here so as she could put Elsa in her rightful place. She wouldn't take any shit whatsoever from the girl.

That's what she was in Steve's eyes currently. A scared girl who was covering up her fear by acting up and drinking herself into a coma every night. He'd get the truth about Wyatt from her eventually - he'd even get his mother to try and be tactful - either way, there was no way that Wyatt Rollins had simply fallen into the old quarry, and Steve knew that Elsa was concealing the truth.

Why though? Had she done it herself? Jack? Had they both plotted and conspired? Why would she have said what she had to his father though? All these questions plagued him, and all of them needed answering.


It had been a nice morning until Elsa had seen the newest cowboy in town stroll in like he already had plans.

Steve's bestie.

She knew of him, but had never really come to blows directly. Her brother had though. Speaking of Jack, she'd received a wonderful text from him that very morning.

Jack: Hope you're enjoying the high life now, living with the enemy says a lot about you.

Elsa: Fuck off Jack, I'm doing this to make sure they don't screw everything up. Your eyes and ears - so don't go assuming I'm just gonna sit on his dick and be a good girl.

Jack: At this point you may as well be. Sharing our home with him.

Elsa: Who says I ain't moved out?

Jack: Coz you ain't got nowhere to go. You have no one.

She'd not responded anymore to him, and instead busied herself training the horse in the pen. He was slowly breaking, but it would still take some time before he was able to be fully tame. No doubt the Rogers would sell him on for a pretty sum if they wanted to. She hoped they wouldn't and instead would keep him there.

"Good boy". She uttered as she stopped and dismounted. "That's enough for today. I'll go get your dinner".

As she crossed the yard and took the hay back, she noted a new car parked outside of the ranch house. It wasn't Bucky's - his was next to the foreman's cabin. Patting the horse, she made her way back, walking in and seeing a woman sat at the kitchen table patiently. She knew it could only be one person.

"You must be the 'ice queen' I've been hearing about" She said as her eyes looked Elsa over - but not judgementally. "I'm Sarah Rogers".

Elsa said nothing and crossed the room to the fridge, grabbing a beer and cracking it open. "You, er...want me to throw a party or something?" She asked, wiping her mouth.

The corner of Sarah's lips tugged into a smirk. "No manners I see, your mom never teach you any?"

"No, coz she went and died on us before she had a chance. Not that anyone cared though except for my daddy - even then it was pointless by the time he tried".

Sarah nodded pitifully. "Yes, I had heard when it happened".

"Don't matter though - just another piece of trash the town was rid of". Elsa shrugged. "At least, that was how people saw it anyway".

The elder woman had always heard the slurs, hell she'd even made some herself if anything had happened between the two families. But she'd never publicly done it, only in private. Now here she saw a young pissed off woman with no family left to her name - her brother having abandoned her too.

More pity was felt, however Elsa Rollins seemed to have built up years of resilience when it came to people calling her names and talking about her and her family. "I hope that Steve has been fair to you when it's come to living here. I know it was a shitty thing to do, turning up at the funeral - I scolded them both for it, said they should've waited. They know they made a mistake".

"They made the mistake in agreeing to buy the place from dad first".

"He couldn't pay the debts, he wanted you taken care of because he knew that Jack weren't gonna be capable of that. You'd have only had to sell anyway". Sarah explained.

Elsa took another swig and then wiped her mouth again with the back of her hand. "This conversation is making me lose brain cells by the minute", then going to walk out - however as she passed, the elder woman's hand lashed out and grabbed her wrist.

"You're scared. I can tell - but trust me. Your father did you a favour".

"Let me be the judge of that". Yanking her wrist from Sarah's grasp, she stomped up to her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She could do without seeing another Rogers for one day. 

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