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The sound of grunts as well as the bed gently smacking against the cabin wall filled the room, the dim first light of sunrise blocked out by the blinds 


"If I fuck you any harder than I already am, then my dick's gonna fall off".

There was nothing that Steve loved more than having his wife impaled on him at 4am - providing him with adrenaline to wake him up and fuel him for the days work ahead. 

Whilst he spent all day over at the old Rollins ranch that had now changed and officially became the Goldridge Rogers Ranch (the new sign had been put up the week before), Elsa would train her horses where they still were living on his family's ranch in the cabin they'd occupied since the fire.

Steve had refused to let her set foot back at her old home, not until renovations were complete and their new home was completed. Work had began some weeks before and it was coming along nicely. A large log cabin style lodge which also boasted stonework for the fireplaces as well as other interior and exterior features. Elsa had wanted a fireplace, so he'd given her more than one. He was sure that once the great room (as it had been named in the plans) was complete, that it would be her favourite. It already was his if the architects drawings were anything to go by.

Right now though, all he could focus on was his release, Elsa moaning his name as she came, sighing happily on familiar feel of him filling her until he lay back to recover. His wife now moved off to lie beside him. "Happy now?" He smirked. She'd been a complete brat before, waking him and demanding that he kept her full of him for the rest of the day.

"When I'm filled up and heavy with you? I'm always happy". She smirked and leant down to kiss him before getting up. Steve watched her cross naked across the room and into the bathroom - the shower turning on just moments after.

He shook his head to himself and got up, following her in and closing the shower door so the two of them could wash together.

Her fingers traced down his now wet body, grazing over the scar that the bullet wound from her brother had left on him. Some days it was still tender, but he'd otherwise made a good recovery.

"I still hate what he's done to you, to us". She now admitted, still gently caressing the scar.

She had nightmares, bad ones that had seen her screaming and Steve having to calm her, holding her as she shook in fear and sobbed in his arms. He knew she tried to play it down when he questioned her about it the morning after it would happen. "PTSD is the new trend now anyway". She'd just laugh lightly and avoid talking anymore about it. Steve didn't push her though. Instead he held her through the tears and bad dreams until she felt the warmth and safety of him wash them all away.

"Don't let him get to you in death, baby". He now told her, bringing his lips to hers and wrapping his arms around her slick body as the water rained down on them.

"I can't help it. It's like he's always gonna be here, haunting me". She said as she pulled away, thumb circling the scar still.

Steve kept a hold of her. "You need to talk to someone".

She snorted at this. "And have the town whisper about me all over again? No way".

"Els" he sighed.

"I don't need..."

"You do". He told her firmly. "Look, if you're worried about going into town for it and someone seeing you? We can request to have the sessions here? How's that sound?"

She didn't look at him. "I don't wanna be seen as weak..."

He turned off the shower and passed her a towel. "You really think people will see you as that? The shit you've been through? You're the strongest woman around in everyone's eyes - even mine".

Elsa got out and dried herself off, changing back into her nightwear while he got ready for the day. "You can't keep letting him get to you, you need to close that door on him once and for all". Steve continued.

"I know". She responded quietly, sitting on the bed and hugging her knees into her. "I'm just not used to talking about anything like that to anyone. Just you".

He put on his hat and walked over to her, kissing her hair. "I know sweetheart, but sometimes I just ain't enough".

"Guess I'll see you tonight".

"Maybe this afternoon- why don't you go for a ride, try and clear your head a little more once the suns up later?"

Steve was only met with a nod and feeling a little defeated himself, he walked out to go make his way to the ranch.
He couldn't wait to be back there, have their own space once again, and to finally make her smile once she saw the home he'd been working hard on for them. He just hoped it would be enough to help kick start the healing process.

Not just for her, but for both of them.

Goldridge (Steve Rogers AU)Where stories live. Discover now