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Elsa hadn't noticed the truck pull up until she saw Joe Rogers watching her from the fence as she trained the horse that was running circles around her. "Woah". She uttered to it as it came to a stop, the dirt and dust rising up as it did. "Good boy".

Giving its mane a pat, she walked over to Joe, taking her gloves off. "Mr Rogers".

"Miss Rollins...quite a skill you have there". He jerked his chin toward the horse. "Wild originally?"

She nodded. "They always are - you know that. He's still got a long way to go but progress is progress no matter how little". Looking around the enclosure, she turned back to him. "I don't know where your son is, if that's what you've come to ask. I prefer he stayed away from me, which so far he's managing considerably well considering we share a house".

"I wasn't looking for him. It's you I came to see actually - wanted to see how you were getting on together - although I think I have my answer".

"That's easy, we're not". She answered bluntly.

He chuckled at this. "Gotta hand it to you, you survived three days so far".

"As opposed to you thinking I would've killed him on the first night here? You're too kind". Her sarcasm was apparent.

"Nope. Now your brother? I'd have expected it from him, just as I'm sure that you would too". His look was one of knowing.

Elsa paused for a moment or two. "Just as well he left then". There would've been even more bloodshed if he'd stayed. Steve would probably have been dead and buried by now.

"He say where he was going?" Joe asked leaning against the fence.

She shook her head. "No idea, but you want my advice? You'll watch your back. Jack says things and he means them".

"Such as?"

Pushing herself off the fence she simply muttered, "I have a horse to train", and walked back to where it was standing.

Joe watched the young woman with interest. He'd remembered her as a small girl, telling her brother to stop shouting whilst in a dispute with Steve. Joe had gone to break it up and had ended dragging his son away, but he couldn't forget the face of the little girl with the blonde plaited hair that stick out in various places. Wyatt had tried his best - Joe couldn't fault that.

"Dad?" Steve now came up with a frown. "Thought you weren't here until this afternoon?"

"Came to see whether you didn't have a bullet holes in you. I'm impressed".

He snorted at this. "Not yet. She's a pain in the ass though".

"Yeah but she can tame a horse... we need her here son- she obviously knows the ranch inside out, was pretty much Daddy's little cowgirl. She can help Bucky out when he turns up, talk about what pastures are best to move the cattle to until the winter and such" Joe spoke of the new ranch foreman - Steve's best friend who he'd decided to promote due to his hard work at their family ranch.

Steve watched as Elsa continued to train the horse in the enclosure. "If you think we're gonna get along then you're wrong".

"Never said you had to". Joe have him a clap on the back as they walked away and to the ranch house. "What's the status with the new barn as well as the existing ones?"

"New barn is gonna be built in the spring. Won't have far to travel when it comes to getting the cattle in for the winter next year - as for the existing? New roofing mainly. Coat of paint here and there. It's all cosmetic. The bunkhouse will be refurbished bit by bit so the ranch hands are more comfortable. They're not complaining though".

Joe chuckled. "Not when I'm paying them more than the average".

"And what about Elsa?" Steve now stopped and looked at his father.

There was a long pause. "I think she's been through enough. She gets to keep her home free of charge. If she wants pay then you give her what she wants".

"Even if it's ridiculous?"

"You heard Wyatt when we signed the contracts. As long as Elsa is taken care of? Nothing else matters - she know anything about where her brother went?"

Steve shook his head at this "no - I'll keep trying to get more information from her". They both climbed the steps to go and sit on the porch.

"She did say something though - that he means the things that he says. Not sure if she was just warning me or trying to tell me something". Joe sat down on one of the chairs and thought for a while. "She may take to your mother. Then again that woman could drain blood from a stone. We'll hold off on the questions for now, but she knows something about her fathers death. That much is apparent".

"I don't even think Mom could get through to a girl like Elsa Rollins. If anything? They'd clash"

Joe grinned. "Even better - aside from us? Your mother needs someone to keep her on her toes. I'll have her come over one day this week to see you".

They both looked out at the ranch and the view. Even though the Rogers had a good one, they couldn't fault the one the Rollins family had been seeing as their family had grown over the years. "Dad?"


Steve paused. "This and our ranch? You're not expecting me to deal with both when you're gone are you?"

His father looked thoughtful. "As of three days ago, this ranch and ours became one. Easy enough considering we've been feuding over what land is our for years - but Wyatt put an end to that. We've got more than we need, and there's gonna be people who want to take that from us. So yeah - I'm expecting you and your family to deal with our ranch once I'm gone".

"And if I can't?"

"You can - we haven't come this far just to fail son". Joe said, getting up and heading down to his truck. "We're the largest ranch in the state -people will know that soon enough. The fight for what's ours still carries on, but with the likes of land developers and Jake Rollins out there? It's about to get a whole lot bigger. We need to do what we can - you know what I mean".

Yeah, Steve did. His family hadn't got to where they were now - the position of power and such - without sticking their fingers in a few pies. The Rogers were practically untouchable, but not invincible.

"Whatever it takes". Steve said to Joe who now nodded and replied with "Whatever it takes", before he got into the truck and drove off.

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