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He didn't know how the hell he'd managed to rise at 5am after the night he'd had - but Steve managed it. He'd literally kept to the bedroom with Elsa for the rest of the day, texting Bucky to tell him that no one was to disturb him unless someone was dying.

He'd left Elsa on bed as he'd got up to start his day, not feeling sorry for the many marks he'd left on her. Ok, the cuffs had been so tight they'd bruised her wrists, and he'd made a note to loosen them a little more next time - but he'd had her in every way he'd wanted her. Bent over, sat on his face, choking on his cock. She'd enjoyed every moment.

Coming back around 9am, he noted his parents truck parked outside and found them both sat in the kitchen as he walked in. "There you are, wondered where you'd got to". Joe said, mug of coffee to hand.

"Hey ma". Steve said as Sarah hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Thought we'd check in, I haven't heard from you in a while and wondered if you were feeling stressed with all the work you've been putting into the ranch". Sarah now studied his face. "You look like shit Steven, have you even been sleeping properly?"

He definitely hadn't last night. Elsa had literally drained him for all he was worth. He'd be surprised if he'd even be able to make his dick work again.

"Like a baby". He lied.

"Bullshit". Sarah looked at him knowingly. "You've been living and breathing this ranch since you took over - is Elsa helping you? Where is she anyway?"

"Injured herself yesterday - can't walk".

Not exactly a lie.

Sarah's face turned even more concerned. "Well is she alright?"

"I'm fine..." Elsa's voice came as she walked in, a little too gingerly for Steve's liking.

"My goodness what happened?" Sarah continued as Steve tried to hide his amusement. "Steve said you injured yourself?"

Elsa looked unimpressed at him. "Yeah...riding".

"Gotta watch out for that horse of yours". Joe said, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

"Yep...seems like I certainly do, still gonna be getting back on later though". Elsa glanced to Steve and then settled herself sat the table while Sarah made her a drink.

His mother seemed to catch his amused look and now shook her head. "Steven! It's not a laughing matter! The darn horse could've killed her"

"Sorry, I just think she needs to be aware of which ones buck the hardest". By now he was looking rather smug.

Elsa smiled sweetly at him before her face turned sour. "I know my limits, yesterday didn't even push it".

"Anyway, we need to go take a look at those fences don't we?" He asked Steve who nodded.

"Sure do, see you later Ma". He said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before doing the same to Elsa on autopilot. Both froze for the moment until he cleared his throat. "Fences". Was all he said and strode out with Joe smirking and wiggling his brows towards his wife.

Once the pair had gone, Sarah looked to Elsa. "Well...it appears you two are getting along better than I thought you would..."

"I can tolerate him, don't mean to say that I like him".

"And is it that you can't walk from riding a bronc, or my son?"  She saw her look. "Oh come on missy! I know the look and walk of a girl who's been freshly fucked, and no matter how hard you and Steve try? You can't hide shit from me".

Clearly not.

Elsa stared into her coffee. "I dunno what happened...it's like now something's happened, things just feel different".

"They're gonna". Sarah sighed. "Although he has a very odd way of showing it? My boy cares about you a hell of a lot. He always has in some ways - always used to be concerned if ever there were trouble with your brother. He used to tell me you'd been dealt a shitty hand, hoped you'd be different to Jack. I think he knew you were anyway".

She listened and shook her head. "No one's ever cared about me. Ok dad did but even then I reminded him too much of mom for him to fully do so. And Jack? Well - we all know he never has. He liked to pretend that he had my best interests but didn't".

"Sweetie...people do care about you. Me, Joe - Steve. Now I've heard you've never celebrated birthdays and what not, and I don't care what you say - you're starting from now. Thanksgiving at Goldridge Ranch. If you do t show then I'll be over here dragging your ass there. Got it?"

Elsa smirked at this, knowing it would be a mistake to ever cross Sarah Rogers. "Why do I get the feeling it's you who runs the show and not Joe?"

"Behind the men like my son and husband? There's always a woman ready to kick their ass into shape". She went to wash her cup up.

"I'm not that woman, not yet at least".

Sarah scoffed and turned back to her. "The evening you put that ring on your finger? You became that woman. Don't take any shit from him, he'll probably love and respect you more for it".

Elsa laughed at the idea now. "He don't love me".

"I know my son enough to know that he loves you. He just has a different way of showing it compared to others".

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