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She had no idea why she was there. Perhaps out of obligation to show she cared? Or was it guilt that she'd not been able to stop Jack? Maybe both, but Elsa's feet had found themselves at the cemetery, and now she sat cross legged on the dirt just contemplating whether things could have been different.

She'd learnt that the Rogers had their fingers in a lot of pies when it came to influence, and that they weren't exactly as squeaky clean as their image was made to look like. Then again, with the land under threat constantly from developers and others - it was no surprise if they did have a few enemies.

"So good news is the place ain't been raised to the ground. Bad news is I became a Rogers". She shrugged and shifted slightly. "I ain't wearing the ring because fuck that". Now half laughing to herself.

Pausing, she wondered whether this could have been part of the bargain when her father had signed over the ranch. Had he known? Had they spoken about the possibility of it? Could he have possibly seen it could have been the best outcome. He'd asked them to take care of her after all.

"I don't like him, but I don't hate him either - I can just about tolerate his insufferable ass. Helps he ain't around as much, but I dunno...they want me to be part of it all. But I'm walking around in a house I grew up in feeling like a guest". At this point, she had no idea why she was even talking to her father as though he'd respond from beyond the grave.

"Fuck this". She muttered and got up, dusting her jeans off.

Making the walk back to the ranch, she noted Steve waiting for her in the spot where they'd met after her fathers funeral. "You don't have to keep an eye on my every move - I'm not about to go punch another guy in the face".

Her bruise had faded a lot more after a couple weeks and her lip healed thanks to a visit from Doctor Banner.

"I was actually waiting for you because I wanted you to come out to the new barn with me- take a look and see what you think?"

It wasn't as though she had anything better to do. She'd trained her horse that morning, went grave visiting and the only plans she had now was to consume a bottle of wine. "Why'd you need my opinion?"

Steve's eyebrow raised. "Because you're part of the ranch? Part of the family? We had that talk about you involving yourself more? Plus we gotta get the cattle away for the winter and if we've fucked anything up? I need to fix it as soon as possible".

"You already fucked up marrying me so a barn should be a slice of pie". She said as they walked to the barn to get their horses saddled up.

He stopped. "You always put yourself down this much?"

"Depends on the mood". She replied. "Was I part of the deal though? Did you plan with my father to marry me so the ranch could..."

"No". Came the firm reply, cutting her off quickly. "Hell no, that was never an option during the talks we had. All he wanted was for you to stay on the ranch, and he knew you would because you'd never set foot out of state. The marriage thing was my idea, one I talked about with my parents after everything was signed, sealed and I'd come here".

"But you gave up a chance to marry someone you loved, just to be miserable with me"

He smirked as they got to the barn - one of the ranch hands coming out with them already saddled. "You tell me I'm a miserable bastard all the damn time, amongst other things - I don't think that matters".

"Here was me thinking that someone like you had women all the time".

"Nope". He shook his head. "Ranching's always come first - there have been women, nothing ever serious enough for me to consider placing them in my future".

She mounted her horse as he did so with his. "Looks like you're stuck with me then".

They went to look at the barn, Elsa giving her approval. It was big enough, and practical for the winter months - then the pair took a ride by the river, going as far to the border of the Rollins land and the Rogers Goldridge Ranch. "Why ain't you taken the fencing down?" She asked.

"Two different ranches".

"On land that's now yours - may as well just take the fences down and make it one whole big one considering you own it all". She saw no point in dividing them when the whole land was owned by him and a part of Goldridge Ranch anyway.

Steve looked out onto the lands that bordered. "I'll have Bucky and a few others come deal with it. Maybe after we've got the cattle away".

"The old quarry - I want something done about that". Elsa said, while they were on the subject. "Especially after dad..." she trailed off.

"Was killed by your brother?" Steve now voiced his suspicions out loud, wondering what kind of reaction she would give.

Elsa turned her horse to head back and looked across at him. "Yeah...that". Without another word she trotted off, Steve now catching up and riding beside her.

"I knew it - why haven't you gone to the cops?"

"Why do you think? They wouldn't have helped trash like me - besides, Jack made it perfectly clear that if I blabbed? I'd end up the same way. He'd been throwing threats around for a while - probably coz he owed a shit load of money and hoped he'd get enough from dad if he killed him. I took the threats as empty- that he wouldn't have the balls to do something like that to his own blood. But he did - and I didn't know until the next morning when my father was nowhere to be found. At first he tried to lie to me - said dad had gone out to check the quarry because he thought wolves had made a home here, but I could see in his eyes that he knew more. We found him and I asked Jack flat out what he'd done. He just shrugged it off and said he did what was needed".

"Son of a bitch". Steve muttered. "Then he told you to say nothing?"

"He held me over the edge, and said if I went to the cops or told anyone? I'd be down there with dad".

"Have you heard from him since he left? You know where he is?" Steve asked.

Elsa shook her head. "Got one text and that was it - but if he's always gonna have that grudge against you, and I suppose me. We can't risk going to the cops".

"Then we won't". Steve's looked darkened and his words a little more sinister. "We'll deal with him and whatever shit he may throw at us in the only way I know how".

Elsa glanced over at him again. "Do I wanna ask?"

"No. Best you don't for now".

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