A hero or a fool?

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Draco considered that he had accomplished his task and brought Potter to safety. She doesn't have to worry about him anymore. He sat on the bed and lowered his legs. His gaze turned to the sleeping man. Even though he didn't mean to, he kept staring at him. His old rival now lies here wholly defenceless. However, hurting him was the last thing Draco intended. He invited him for a drink spontaneously, and he didn't plan it at all. He was just curious about how the Golden Boy was doing in life. He certainly didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Harry had matured but still had something of the boy he knew. His hair was just as unruly and messy. Draco bent down and removed his glasses. Then he noticed blood showing through the crumpled shirt on his chest. Careful not to wake him, he rolled up his shirt. He saw several fresh injuries that would deserve treatment. He knew Potter was an auror. He probably ran to meetings straight from some intervention. Draco got up and went to look for his potion supply. He selected the best he had available and gently treated Harry's wounds.

He rubbed them especially carefully with a painless potion. They were deeper than it seemed at first. Irresponsible, unreasonable Potter. He's always been like that. He has risked his life countless times, and obviously, he will never stop. That's why so little alcohol was enough for him to flake out completely. He must have been unimaginably exhausted and hungry. Draco unbuttoned his shirt to check for any other injuries. He treated all minor wounds. Harry grunted in displeasure with each application of the disinfectant potion.

"Shhh, you have to hold on. It won't be long," Draco reassured him. He suddenly stopped. What the hell is he doing? He talks to him as if he were his young son Scorpius. He definitely wasn't going to apply these nurturing tendencies to Potter. He finished treating the wounds on his upper body and somewhat reluctantly began to examine the lower part. He gratefully noted that everything was fine here. It was already weird looking at Potter's legs and ass. More than just odd. Embarrassing. But definitely interesting. Draco didn't even know how it happened that he felt a compelling need to touch that firm ass. He was disgusted with himself and urgently needed to vent his aggression - he slapped Harry hard across the ass as if to punish him. Merlin's sake! He jumped away, startled. What if Potter woke up? Harry just grunted in disapproval and turned to his other side. Draco breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he should leave. But what if Potter was the target of dangerous curses that would take effect later? He shouldn't leave him alone.

Resignedly, Draco lay on the wide bed beside the sleeping auror, letting his thoughts flow freely. He knew he wouldn't sleep again. There were barely a few hours left until morning. Draco spent them confusedly thinking and planning what he would say to Potter in the morning. He replayed the questions and answers over and over again as if he were preparing for an exam on which his entire future life depended.

Question 1: Do I ever want to see Potter again? Answer: No. I don't know. Maybe. Yes. Definitely yes.

He already hated multiple-choice questions in tests. Any intelligent person will realise that nothing in life is black and white and unequivocal.

Question 2: Will Potter forgive me for how I treated him as a student?

The answer can only be found out if I see him again. So at least we have an answer to question number 1.

Question 3: Why do I care that he forgives me?

Draco sighed deeply. The most challenging question of all. It was finally morning, and the owl brought a new edition of the Daily Prophet. He reached for the newspaper and began to read it. A raid led by Harry Potter on an organised group of Death Eaters ended yesterday. The group was dispersed without loss of life. Not even such a critical newspaper as Daily Prophet could deny it was a successful event. Harry didn't even mention it, modest as always. He didn't defend himself when he teased him about how unkempt and neglected he was. Draco felt a flash of admiration.

His gaze went to the sleeping man. Potter, Potter, you could have died there. Do you understand that there are people to whom you are important? Your son, friends... And Draco realised with horror that if Harry died, something essential would also disappear from his world.

He might never have Harry that close again. They will only meet casually at class meetings and speak a few non-committal phrases that do not mean anything. He had a chance to talk to him and failed to take it. He may be left with this strange memory of Harry sleeping soundly in the wide bed. Draco couldn't resist and captured the unbelievable scene with his magical camera.

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