A boy who didn't have a choice - and that's sooooo unfair

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As a potionist, Draco had access to the curse databases, but he didn't look in the elemental magic section, he was searching for dark magic. He was angry at Narcissa for keeping the information from him. He did heal Potter, but at what cost?

He is going to be responsible for Potter's life! Does every good sex end with lifelong responsibility for somebody, first Scorpius, now Potter? Potter is not his close friend. I've known him for a few weeks... I've known him for almost thirty years, but I don't really know him at all. What do I really feel about him?

Draco subjected his feelings to careful introspection and examined the evolution of his relationship with Harry. He had to admit that he cared for him. He cared for him a lot. Is that enough for a lifetime bond? What if he starts getting on my nerves? His friends, his interests? But most of all, and worst of all, Draco felt cheated. Did Potter know what kind of curse it was? Probably not. He wouldn't have acted so aloof before if he had known that. Their whole connection sort of came out of the power of the moment. As if the curse itself was telling them what to do. And that's why Draco now felt taken advantage of. He doesn't have a choice; he will never sleep with anyone other than the Gryffindor, and as a bonus, he will get another teenager in the same household with Potter... If he says a bad word to him, his hands will fall off, and any worsening of the situation will be immediately blamed on Draco, that he wasn't good enough for their Golden Boy, that he was being selfish, Weasley would probably smack him straight away...

Draco's mind was very resourceful in coming up with dark scenarios. He wallowed in self-pity for a while and then decided to drown his self-pity in alcohol. Can I get drunk, or is that treason on Potter? I promised to stop by his place in the evening. Merlin, what did he do to me? Draco sobbed. This is sooo unfair!

Narcissa found him in this state, as her maternal instinct told her to check on the poor son.

"Draco, pull yourself together! Nothing so terrible happened to you!"

Although the humiliated Slytherin stopped whining, he did not share his mother's insight.

"It's worse than having to marry him! It is irrevocable! Lifelong!"

"If it wasn't for Mr Potter, you would have been in Azkaban for life."

It's starting! For any display of displeasure, Draco would be chastised as if it were some privilege to serve the Chosen One. It brought back a wave of memories for Draco of the past when Harry was always the loved, admired one, while everyone looked down upon Malfoy. It's here again!

"I thought you didn't hate Harry," Narcissa continued. "Otherwise, the connection would not have been possible. How do you feel about him, Draco?'

He couldn't lie to his mother.

"Let's just say I feel a certain amount of sympathy for him. Yes, the connection was voluntary. However, I would definitely not base a lifelong relationship on it. I don't really know him."

"If you both try, you can get along well."

"I wonder what the curse actually expects from me. Do I have to be faithful to him?" Draco thought.

"Probably. It depends on what he considers treason."

"So, it's actually about Harry's feelings."

"Basically, yes."

"That means if he doesn't find out..."

"Draco! Do not you dare!"

"I know, it could kill him. You know what I wonder? Can he be unfaithful to me?"

"At least in this, the curse is fair. He must not betray you, either. The consequences would be the same for him."

At least that way. The thought of Harry having someone else was hurtful beyond expectation. This point of agreement - actually more of a diagnosis - slightly reconciled him to reality. Potter is attached to him just the same. He might not be happy about it either.

"You should tell him. He has a right to know."

Draco nodded. In his mind, he admired his mother. She stood by a Death Eater her whole life and never betrayed him. He felt a little ashamed of his immature emotional outburst.

"Don't tell Dad yet," he pleaded, trying to keep the last bit of dignity.

"Father knows, he knows the curse."

Draco squealed. That's why he was giggling so much last time, that bastard!

"Get settled," Narcissa admonished him. "And drink no more!"

Draco rolled his eyes but took the advice to heart.


Narcissa was walking down the path from the mansion when she saw a smiling Harry.

"Mr. Potter, it's so nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

Harry spoke enthusiastically about his improved health.

In his naivety, he really has no idea how the healing took place!

"Going to see Draco?"

"I wondered if he needed help with the potions." Harry looked a little uncertain. "Maybe that wasn't the best idea."

"Mr. Potter, Draco would love to see you tonight, but he is very busy at the moment. Would you be so kind as to keep me company for a moment? I am very interested in your diagnosis, can we talk about it in more detail?"

Harry wanted to sink through the floor in embarrassment, but in a few minutes, he sat in the cafe with Mrs Malfoy, sipping butterbeer.

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