Liber Facialis

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Harry had been trying to forget the strange meeting with Malfoy for a few days, but he wasn't doing well. Curiosity made him open the most popular wizarding social network Liber Facialis and look at Draco's profile. After all, there is nothing wrong with that, he has looked at the profiles of possible criminals countless times, and the network has been very helpful in uncovering organized criminal groups.

He expected luxurious destinations, presentations of luxury and elegance, but by no means what he saw. It was one of the most humble profiles he had ever visited. Basically just a few photos of Draco and Scorpius – Scorpius with a birthday cake, flying a dragon, on a child's broomstick.

Very inconspicuous news about the patenting of a wound-healing potion. Harry was a bit taken aback by the images of Lucius with Draco's young son. Somehow he couldn't imagine the former Death Eater as a loving grandfather. Although it shouldn't have surprised him, the Malfoys always seemed to have a pretty strong family bond. Harry didn't like that his son's friend was being influenced by one of Voldemort's main followers.

He examined the profile as if it were part of an important work assignment. He scrolled through his friends' list. He didn't see any Death Eater names, but he did recognise several Hogwarts classmates – Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Cho Chang. Even Madam Pomfrey!

Harry wasn't as naive as he had been before. He thought that Malfoy's self-presentation was just an attempt to gain sympathy and pretend to be the opposite of the cocky Slytherin he used to be. It will be better to watch out for him and limit contact with him to a minimum. Harry was aware that Malfoy was quite attractive and was afraid of his manipulation if he continued to see him. He also wasn't thrilled about Albus and Scorpius's friendship.

But Malfoy was right about one thing. He needs to take better care of himself. Interventions like the last one should be left to childless colleagues. He decided to continue to focus only on organised crime investigations, putting his years of practice and study to good use – yes, Malfoy, even Gryffindors have brains in their heads and use them at times!

He had already made up his mind. Perhaps Draco's profile had impressed him – he himself hadn't been nearly as devoted to his son. It's a wonder Albus even wanted to live with him and not stay with Ginny. He probably couldn't stand her new boyfriend, which Harry could quite understand, the guy reminded him most of all of Gilderoy Lockhart.

Harry was preparing the arguments in his head that he would present when his colleagues persuaded him to continue with them for a while longer.

He resolutely entered the Aurors' room and spoke all that was on his mind. His colleagues seemed to understand his motivations and agree with him in principle, but it was impossible to quit overnight.

"The last hit, you can't leave us in this, you've been preparing this all along, you're the best." Harry was bombarded with arguments and pleas. It wouldn't be Harry if he refused.


Draco wondered what he actually expected from Potter. Would he like to befriend him? This was not an easy wish to fulfil. Maybe it would be enough if they could talk to each other. Not behaving as enemies would be enough for a start. Draco sent a simple message; he spent several hours writing it.

Hi Harry, how are you? I hope your injuries are healing well. Sure, I patented those potions. When you have time and courage, get in touch. I think last time was interesting, to say the least.

Seriously, take care! Draco

No answer. Well of course, that silly Gryffindor will never change his mind. He read in the newspaper about another successful attack on a Neo-Death Eater group. That means he didn't take his advice to heart, either. He'll risk his life until he gets killed once. Draco was really angry. Every day he read the news carefully to see if anything else was written about Potter but found nothing.

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