Chapter one.

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I walked quickly, my gaze down and my hoodie up. The flat shoes, I have on aren't doing much for my toes in this weather but it'll have to do. Increasing my pace, I walk into the train station's bathroom and close the door. Tightly. There is no need for anyone to cone snooping into the bathroom and find me in it.

Removing my hoodie, I change my bloodied shirt into a clean one from my mobile closet. My backpack.
The new shirt is a tank top with 'PopStar Punk' inscribed on it. Rolling the bloodied shirt into a ball and binding it with masking tape, I abandon it in a corner of the bathroom. Hopefully, it'll be days or weeks until it is discovered.

Things had gotten rough with my boyfriend, -no, scratch that; ex-boyfriend , Nathan, last night. I head to the mirror and brush my hair back. The black strands tumble down to my waist in wavy curls. Opening the second compartment of my backpack, I retrieve a small make-up kit.

Taking out the eyeliner, I attempt to make myself look presentable rather than appear as a person who had abandoned everything stable in her life and run -which by the way, is what I've done. I pinch my cheeks to regain some colour, hating how pale and frightened I look. Finishing up with my makeup, I head to the door, open it and walk right into ..A gorgeous woman?

She is dressed in to kill black jeans that show off her curves, black thigh high boots and a gold halter top strapped or more appropriately used, straining against some really nice tits. Her auburn hair flows down to her back and she has high cheekbones that make her appear etheral. Her lips are pursed and painted a gorgeous red.
Two words... Breathtakingly beautiful.

She sidesteps me, forcing her way into the bathroom. Taking a look around the bathroom, she huffs.
"So this is where you've been, I've been looking for you.".
Okay. Maybe she's also a tad bit carazy. She's also in my space. I mean, hey bitch, you can't just walk in here, when I don't know you and declare you've been looking for me.
" Um, hello!! Do I know you?" I ask softly.
"Well, that depends... My name is Daphne. See, now you know me, Karyn" She replies and I frown.
"How do you know my name? Are you a cop or something?" I ask again. Am I the only one confused here.
"It's only fair that I know your name, Karyn. Afterall you know mine, don't you?" She replies sweetly.

I reach into my pocket for my switchblade. I might have a few broken ribs from my fight with Natan last night, but I could probably take her on. Clutching the blade tightly, I assess my clothing; sweatpants, hoodie, flatshoes. Yeah, I could probably take her on. She takes in my defensive stance and smiles.
" You don't disappoint. Live in violence much, Karyn?" She raises a perfectly carved eyebrow.
"There is no need for any violence, Karyn. You just have to come with me and no one gets hurt. And that includes me. You look like you can throw a punch". She remarks with a grin and I almost like her.
.Almost. I said, almost.

I eye her carefully. She makes no sudden movements and her hands are clearly visible. Smart.
"Why on earth would I go anywhere with you? I don't know you. I'm not stupid, you know" I state.
"Yeah, you don't look like it. Okay. I guess since I will be leaving with you, I'll tell you. Besides I have a feeling you and I, will make amazing friends. You're an unknown. You need to come with me so that you can discover who you truly are, and train to control, harness and utilize your power. You're enough danger to yourself and others as it seems. You almost killed your boyfriend last night." She replies and I gape at her.
I'm looking at her as though she's crazy, confused or both.
"You said, you're not a cop, but, you have to be. How else would you be prior to all these information about me? Is this some kind of trick to set me up and get me to come along with you. You know you can just read me my rights, right?" I ask, getting worried.
Beautiful or not, this woman's probably psycho.

"Well to be honest, I'm not surprised. So much for telling you why you need to cone with me. We have to leave now or we won't make it to Switzerland before nightfall.
"What!! What the fuck did you just say?! Switzerland."
Now I believe she's definitely crazy.! Switzerland!!
Even if I'm not really up to my countries, we're presently in The United States of America and she expected me to follow her all the way over to Switzerland. In another freaking CONTINENT!!!!
"There is no freaking way, I'm following you to Switzerland, miss. I think you're-" Before I finish my statement, a thick golden rope shoots out of her wrist and loops around me, binding me, arms and all.
Where on earth that came from is uncertain, but the rope feels unnatural, almost snug, like a thick blanket.
Real panic sets in, followed by the creeps.

Enclosed in her hands, is some sort of .. an -is that an... amulet? With the amulet clasped to her wrist, she pulls me to her.
"Okay, okay. You're serious. I won't resist, I'll listen to you. Please untie me" I mutter, but she opens the door and pulls me outside with her. I'm filled with dread when people glance at us, frowning slightly, before moving along.
"Can you at least untie me, people are looking at us" I add.
"No, they're not, Kari. Look closely". She replies with a slight shake of her head.
I honestly don't know which is more disturbing; the nickname or the realization that she was right. Though they were looking in our direction, it didn't appear as though they could see us at all.
.Holy. Freaking. Shit.

This is so bone chilling wierd. We make our way out of the train station and towards a -oh snap, is that a porsche? Holy shit.
Walking quickly, we get into the car, and though I try to pull myself away from the amazing car, Daphne simply pulls me as though I'm made of freaking paper and pushes me into the backseat of the car, gently and gets in, forcing me to scoot to the other side to make room for her.
As soon as she gets in, the locks of the car are automatically activated. I notice a wierd looking, short man with pointed ears behind the wheel.
"Are you ready, Elfie?" Daphne -my captor asks.
"As I'll ever be, Daphne" The man replies and Daphne smiles.
"Don't worry, Karyn. I know that you're probably scared and uncomfortable but everything will soon make sense. Just hang in there, okay?" She asks and for lack of anything better to say or do, I nod. She grins at me, just as the engine revs and we speed of. The speed gives me a rush of adrenaline that makes me sigh in relief. I was starting to feel numb.

But, with the return of feelings, come an influx of thoughts. Are they planning on driving to Switzerland? How are they planning on making it there before nightfall? From what I could tell, it is already dusk.
Lost in my thoughts, I'm startled by a soft hand on my shoulder.
"Karyn. We're here" Daphne says softly.
. Where exactly is 'here'? .
We're parked outside a small house, almost golden in colour and ancient in looks.
. Can't there be slight normalcy? .
Daphne helps me out of the car, and we walk into the building and soon we're face to face with another wierd looking man. Oh, come on!!!
"We need to use your accessway, please." Daphne asks the man politely. They engage in a slight conversation, Daphne saying something about her mother, referring him to her, but the rest of the conversation doesn't make any sense, so I stop bothering to understand, and turn to admire my surroundings.
The house has a relaxing ambience, a nice interior, fashionable yet designed formally as well.
"Come on, Kari. Let's go." Daphne's voice rings out, interrupting my quiet assessment of the house.

Daphne leads the way and we walk behind a curtain into a dark room. She opens the door to an -an elevator?
It has gold rails and fancy wierd looking buttons. I follow her into the elevator, not that I have a choice, being bound and all. She presses a button and whispers,
. Home, Sweet home .
A sensation washes over me and everything goes black.

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