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It has been two days since Karyn was officially declared missing. The most dreadful part is that no trace of her energy or aura can be found anywhere. It seems as though she has disappeared completely. The Ministry has been informed and a high level Herad has taken leadership of the case. The accademy is in a state of stasis, activities suspended and the entire academy grounds has become a giant crime scene.

Seb, my mum and dad are often holding secret meetings, hushed voices whispering in mum's office. All I can deduce from this is that something terrible has happened and that's why it is been kept secret. This information does nothing to alleviate my fears. The fact that Karyn's kidnapping has been done by the same suspected person, intensifies my dread. Arem has disappeared as well. The Avalon three are distant, no word from them either.

All I can feel is that I'm slipping deeper into a state of despair. I give statement upon statement to Valerio, the head Herad assigned to the case. Herads are the enforcers of Law and Order in Firstworld and they investigate such and similar cases. They're different from assassins because the latter are given contracts to execute only. They swiftly and lethally end the life of anyone deemed to be a threat to Firstworld; these individuals do not get the right to trial. Despite all my statements, I feel no better. Instead I'm left with a sinking feeling in my gut, that I'm not of much help to the solving of the case and the rescue of my best friend

I sigh loudly as I brush my auburn curls, tying it into severe bun. I lighten the look by placing a fancy clip at the side. Classes are resuming again as a conclusion has been arrived at; which is that the school provides no more leads in the case. Valerio and the other Herads leave, with promises to double their efforts and keep us updated.
I grab my backpack, and close the door on my way out. I head for Maisey's room, dragging my feet. I knock tentatively, then push at the door. It opens slowly, the sound incredibly loud to my sensitive ears. I find Maisey on her bed, already dressed in her uniform, her socked feet dangling in her black flats.

"Mais? What are you doing ?" I ask softly, relieved when she doesn't startle. She's a vamp, she must have heard my heartbeats from a mile away.
"It all feels wrong. I mean, are we just gonna resume classes, ask questions, pay attention, take notes as if our best friend is not missing or- or worse?" She cries out in exasperation. I snort, settling down on the bed beside her.
" Technically, nobody but you, do those things you just mentioned. I mean, take notes?" I ask in mock horror, bumping my shoulder against hers in an attempt to light up the mood. She chuckles dryly, resting her head on my shoulder.
"I understand how you feel, Mais. I mean, she's my best friend too and by the Supreme Mother, I'm goddamn tired of the fact that she keeps getting abducted right from under our noses. But we can't fall apart now, we have to be strong so that if our help is needed in finding our friend, we'll be in the best position to do so. Okay?" I state and she nods against me. I smile softly.

The rest of the day is uneventful, and I don't see much of Maisey since the difference between our classes is quite obvious. My navcom beeps, and I see a message from my boyfriend, Lexen asking to meet in our favorite spot and although students have been forbidden to walk across the grounds alone but rather in groups, I steel myself ,ditching the girls I've been stuck to, heading for the small flower garden behind the housing towers.
Feeling quite apprehensive, I hurry along. I smell him before I see him. The soft smell of leather and pine. He hears me before he sees me as well, as he moves aside to make room for me on the huge boulder he's sitting, though his back is facing me.

I immediately get the feeling that something's wrong.
"Hey Lex. What's up?" I ask him, looking up into his face. His expression is one of great sadness and his eyebrows are furrowed. He takes my hands in his, his beautiful eyes searching mine.
"There's something I have to tell you, D. Please don't hate me. I Love you so damn much." He mutters, a tear leaking from the corner of his eye. My heart sinks, as he carries my hands and presses them against his chest. His heart.
"I didn't mean to, I swear. I got drunk, she was in my room. She's been hitting on me for a while but I've always turned her away, pushed her out. You've been disraught about your friend and-"

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