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The game was hilarious. We were grouped in teams; Arem and I, Calen and Jasper while Asher had played umpire. It involved a set of physical and mental tasks in which the entire place was the stage and at the end, the winner got to 'kill' the loser. Jasper won- the guy was intense. All in all though, it was extremely fun and I had a blast.
The guys were amazing, they were super coordinated, each in sync with the other and they clearly had a bond that rivaled brotherhood. My heart felt full each time they called me family, and in a way I felt like a part of them. An Avalon.

I place the last clip in my hair, above my right ear. Arem must have left already for Avalon. He has a meeting with his mother and he told me about it as he walked me to my room after the game.
I have training with Seb after my classes so I have a pair of fitted jeans and a T-shirt in my backpack to change into. I put on a pair of black boots with my uniform instead of my usual converse.

I recieve a message from Daphne to meet at the stairs in five minutes. I am a bit nervous to see my friends especially after my PDA session at Brittany's but I grab my navcom, push open the door and lock it. I hurry out, heading for the stairs. Other students walk by me, locking doors and heading out as well.
I spot Daphne at the foot of the stairs, tapping her foot and scrolling through her phone. I still have no idea where mine went after Brittany's kidnapping stunt. She's beautiful as usual, half of hair slicked back and clipped in the middle while the other half fall back in their usual waves.
"Hey Daph." I call out, and she looks up at me, the corners of her lips tilted in a half smile.

"Hey you. How you doing?" She asks, wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug. I relax against her, realizing in this exact moment how much I've missed her.
"We're waiting for Maisey. I never thought I'll see this day. Is she going to be late for classes?" Daphne remarks, amazed and I laugh. The person in question bolts down the stairs and almost past us.
"Mais!" I call out and she turns, surprised to see us.
"Didn't you get my message?" Daphne asks, her eyebrow raised at Maisey's confused state.
We help return a sense of stability to her hair, tucking her shirt into her skirt properly and rolling up her sock.

"You know I have vampiric speed and I would have got that done faster than you two did, right? For what it's worth though, you both get an A for effort." She says and I raise both eyebrows at her, earning a giggle.
We talk as we walk; she explains that she stayed up at night to study and she woke up late this morning. We're late so we don't bother heading for the cafteria for breakfast. My first class is weapon and swordfighting and all three of us hurry to our classes. Today's choice weapon is a wicked looking Katana and we're paired paired in groups of four.

"Today's lesson is about learning how to do well in group fights. Each of you will battle each other in groups and the winners will then battle each other. On my call, begin!" Mrs Peyton calls out, yelling the last word.
We're all evenly matched, each and everyone using a katana. My group consists of two girls beside myself and a single guy. I keep my eyes on each of them as we circle each other. The guy lunges first and I parry, turning around quickly as one of the girls, moves to strike while my back is turned.
. That was close. Too close .

The Katanas are sheated so we can't inflict harm on each other. My sword clashes with one of the girls, the same one who attacked me earlier, and the guy deflects a strike from the other girl, hitting the one I was locked with. Mrs Peyton yells, 'Out!'
The girl leaves, a sulking look on her face. Now there are only three of us left. I strike first, and the girl parries just as the guy moves to strike. Since our swords are locked, I pull back, using her momentum against her and pushing her backwards and into the guy, who hits her.
"Out!" Mrs Peyton yells.

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