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AN: This chapter is dedicated to one of my readers 📚 whose favorite character is Daphne. As promised, your favorite character gets a whole chapter all to their self. Enjoy🥰🥰

"Okay, you just saw that, right?" I drawl, turning to Maisey who has a look of incredulity plastered on her face that matches mine.
After Karyn bossily instructed me to call my mum who arrived later with two herads to pick Brittany up- who if I may also add went quite quietly, she led Arem out of the room, pulling him along with her. That is not all, she freaking kissed him!
Okay well, maybe it was on his cheek but it was a kiss nonetheless. Like, what did I miss?

"Okay, well that was unexpected and scary." Maisey mutters and I raise my eyebrows at her.
"Ya think?"
She smiles, then giggles before bursting into a full blown laughter. I join her, laughing along as we make our way out of the room.
"So, I'm guessing she didn't tell us all that happened while she was away." I remark, with a wry smile. Maisey snorts, her pale cheeks glowing in the warm sunlight. Sometimes I forget what graceful beauty vampires possess and then I see Maisey and I'm reminded.

"It must have been such a sight. Did you see us, marching up to Brittany's room like a pair of assassins and yet someone beat us there." Maisey says, her tone teasing and I grin.
"Goddamn it. I was ready to show her the full power of my claws." I wail, mockingly. We laugh again.

"I should get some sleep. We have classes tomorrow." Maisey mentions, when our laughter subsides. I nod in agreement, hugging her goodbye before heading for my own room.
"Hey Daphne!" Someone calls out, and at the sound of the pitchy voice, my body tenses. I turn around with slow deliberate steps, turning to face an old friend.
Ashleigh Korona stands next to her door, her red hair in a side sweep that tumbles down her shoulders all the way to a poised hip.

She's dressed fashionably as usual, in a deep blue flare maxi dress. Her eyes are violet today, her skin tan with rosy cheeks. Her lips are red and pursed, long lashes fluttering coyly.
"Hey L-Ashleigh. Um, how're you doing?" I ask, hating that my voice seems forced and breathless. She smiles a knowing smile, confident in the knowledge that her presence affects me.
"I've been alright. Jordan's been asking 'bout you. All of the guys too. You avoiding us or something?" She asks.
. Of course I've been avoiding you, you two faced bitch! .

I plaster a smile onto my face, and bat my lashes at her.
"Of course not! Why would I do that? I've just been busy, you know, what with assignments and classes and you know helping my mum and dad out. I haven't even had time for myself." I say, waving my hand about.
"Of course, I can tell. It's written all over your face." She remarks and I imagine wrapping her thick red hair around her neck.

"Can you? I can't imagine. I would be completely blind with those things on my eyes." I reply, my tone saccharine sweet. She blinks once, but her mask doesn't slip.
"Well, not everyone has certain skills. I'll see you around, Daph-nee." She says, flipping her hair and turning on her heel to walk away. I sigh in relief then release an angry huff.
'Jordan's been asking 'bout you'
I shake the thought away, increasing my pace till I get to my room. I throw the door open, falling flat onto my bed.

My room is a mess, and I throw a huge mass of clothes off my bed, sinking into it with a heavy sigh. I rub my head gently, feeling a migraine coming. Asleigh's words wash over me and I groan.
Ashleigh, Jordan, Prenton, Adele, Reese and I had been friends since our first year and even before that since our parents were usually invited to the same events. When we resumed at the academy, we hit it right off.

Ashleigh was the fashion savvy one; she taught me how to match my clothes and hide my feelings behind a killer smile. Jordan was the baby of the group and we all doted on her. Whatever Jordan wanted, we all went out of our way to get it for her. Prenton on the other hand was group asshole, prone to temper tantrums and sulking fits, but he loved us fiercely and covered for us and the same went for Reese. Adele was the gothic one who died her hair black and painted her lips in the same colour.
Things started going downhill in our mid-second year when Ashleigh started behaving off towards me. She'd bring up a conversation about someone and not long after, the person in question would avoid me, point fingers at me or other times, be downright hateful.

J.A.N.E(book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum